
Whether lefthanded people r more intellegent than righthanded people?

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Whether lefthanded people r more intellegent than righthanded people?




  1. Not more intelligent but more analytical.  Southpaws tend to be convergent thinkers.

  2. i am both left and right handed ....

    i used to write with my right hand....and use left hand for all other chores...

    personally i  think : i  am  lot creative (much more then normal human beings..not boasting ...)

  3. No.  There is no hard evidence that left handed people are more intelligent than right handed people.  You might hear that left handed people tend to be more creative and right handed people tend to be more logically-minded.  However, there is no hard evidence of these opinions either.  

    Intelligence is tough to measure, especially if you happen to be rather stupid, like me :).  We all want to believe that we're more intelligent than the next.  I suppose a good way to measure intelligence is by looking at individual achievements, while paying particular attention to the ingenuity and progressive thinking involved in those achievements.  Whether they use left hands, right hands or, in some cases, no hands at all, we'd see that preference for which hand is dominant becomes less of an issue in this measure...

  4. Lefthanded people are usually more creative and intuitive because the left hand is governed by the right side of the brain.  Righthanded people are usually more logical and rational because the right hand is governed by the left side of the brain.  Ambidextrous people have hemispheric synchronisation - balance between the two sides of the brain and hence a balanced being.

  5. I do not thik it so. Proficiency of either of the two hands has nothing to do with the intellegence.

  6. Intelligence is a relative term.All the activities of  living beings are governed by the brain. Our brain is divided in to two section from the command centre point of view. Left hemisphere of the brain  commands the activities performed by our right side limbs, and vice versa.

    At the same time  the left side of the brain is responsible for logical reasoning and decesion, while right side of the brain is responsible for the creative actions or imaginations.

    So if the person is left handed, means his\her  right side of the brain is in dominance, means he will be good for creative works or work where imagination is required, similarly the right handed persons having left hemisphere is more  dominant , so there logical thinking and decesion making is better,means they can use the available information in a better way.

    Here the left handed persons enjoys the presumed weightage over right handed persons because they prefer to creat new things or break the ongoing trends, and enjoys the benefits of exploring the unknown through thier creative abilities.

    In the past and even untill recently  the use of left hand for most of the activities was treated as taboo, I myself a left handed remember, during my elementry schooling, my class teacher used  to scold me whenever i was writing with my left hand,then my parents had to talk to the teacher on this issue, because i had started refraining from going to school.I am sure that most of us had to under go such instances more or less  for not following the non written rules of the society or being the odd one out.

    In the early days left handed people were neglected or condomned also , today we can enjoy  of not being general .

  7. I am lefthanded and know many intelligent people who are both lefties and righties.....

  8. There is nothing like that as far as i know

  9. THERE IS NO SUCH THING, but yes to the person who is right handed will always think that left handed will are more intelligent.

    My brother is left hand, but he is intelligent, but one new thing is he only plays with left hand but he use right hand for writing and doing other things.

    There is no such difference but the person using other hand form us looks different , so we think they are more intelligent.

    it depends upon the person to person.

  10. Based on your phrasing of the question, if you tell me you are right handed, I would have to say yes. If you are left handed, then  my answer is no.

  11. left or right you have to be bright

  12. some people said lefthanded people are more creative than ringhthanded it real? i dunno.coz i'm the lefthanded person and i didn't notice any creativeness in me.

  13. left handed people have stronger right side of brain...

    right half of brain represents analytical and logical skills where left side represents emotions..

    so..lefthanded people r more wonder if they beat righthanded people in performance...

  14. Being that I myself am left handed I would like to say yes, but actually I believe it has nothing to do with what hand you write with.  Although there is a long list of famous and infamous people that are left handed, the same can be said for right handers.  Intelligence is based on much more than I.Q. in my opinion, in other words being a genius doesn't necessarily make you "intelligent". I've met alot of people with high I.Q's who were literally crazy! So intelligence is based on a combination of things, for example, decision making skills, morals, ability to prioritize values, just to name a few. I think intelligence is developed rather that inherited, in other words, one is more likely to gain intelligence by lets say learning how to play a musical instrument or how to speak a foreign language than writing with a particular hand.

  15. No.  It is the percentage.  Because Left handers are lesser in no. For instance in a group of 50 people, 5 are left hander and 3 of them shines, then it is more than 50 %,

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