
Whether masturbation is right or wrong?

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Whether masturbation is right or wrong?




  1. well..what question is that??

    der's nothin wrong in that...its jus a natural human harm to fact it makes u relaxed..!!

  2. according to the bible i think its wrong. according to society? surely its better then getting STD's or something!

  3. it is one of neccessary activity for health,because if do not have s*x in life it  will harm your life.

    as excess of anything is always be harm therefore if u do it in excess then it will give you harm.

  4. i think as long as it doesn't become a habit that detracts from normal daily activities it is fine.

  5. Its wrong.

  6. Masturbation is wrong for health. Divert your mind on good habits

  7. of course~ just don't do it all the time, because it will make you crave s*x wayy more.  

  8. It depends on how you look at certain things. I don't consider it wrong, but many probably do.

  9. It's wrong that why we have private parts.

  10. wrong

  11. MASTURBATION is .............good, delightful, wonderful, ecstasy, fantastic, happy, joyful, awesome, excellent, cool, etc....

  12. I'd love to hear the Bible quote that says masturbation is wrong:

    thou shall not insert thy beanus in to a ripened cantaloupe. Sorry, God wouldn't stand for it, I just know it.

  13. It all depends on your moral beliefs, though in the Christian religion it can be looked upon on as a sin because you m********e to settle the lust in your body. Lustful thoughts, feelings, etc that are trying to be pleased through masturbation which can be considered a sin, though it's one sin that can be hard to abstain from. Hope this helps.

  14. It is right and if you want I can help you...

  15. right.......... i guess.

  16. You're responding to your body's natural urges.  I personally don't have an issue with it being wrong, but you do need to leave lust out of it.  

  17. I refuse to even consider the possibility that masturbation is wrong.

    Many religions are against just about anything that feels good, especially anything related to s*x; it's one way they control people and make them feel guilty.

    Masturbation is clean, doesn't cost anything, it relieves sexual tension, it keeps the prostate healthy and it feels good.    And you don't have to look your best for it!  lol

    Just about every male does it or has done it.     It's natural and normal.

    There is no harm in masturbation, if done in moderation.

  18. RIGHT! Masturbating feels wonderful, is good for your mental and physical health, and helps you to get to know your body sexually - this will be a great help when the time is right for you to have s*x with a partner.

    First read this, and be sure to read it all through - the beginning is a bit confusing:

    Here's some information about the health benefits, from Wikipedia:

    "A 1997 study in the British Medical Journal based upon 918 men age 45-59 found that after a ten year follow-up, men who had fewer orgasms were twice as likely to die of any cause as those having two or more orgasms a week."

    You can see how this makes sense - when you m********e your heart beats faster, and your breathing speeds up. Since the heart and lungs are two of the most important organs in the body, any safe activity that exercises them is good for your general health.

    Other studies have found that frequent masturbation reduces the risk of prostate cancer - a doctor who studied the evidence recommended that teenagers m********e at least six times a week.

    I hope this helps.

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