
Whether philosophical or religious, can you critique this poem/proverb?

by Guest65730  |  earlier

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The best education we can expect

comes from our own thoughts,

when we present them to be corrected

by the best educators in the field.

Our own thoughts wander

without direction.

Without our own thoughts,

we see only direction.

Trees can only grow

from the seeds that are planted.

If we know which tree we want,

we must plant that seed.

If we don’t know what tree we want,

we must plant an array of seeds,

and let a gardener tend the garden.

And all sturdy trees grow

from deep planted seeds.




  1. This is what I perceive this poem to mean.  From a scriptural perspective!   What a person thinks about is what he or she becomes. He likens the mind to a garden. What is planted will infallibly be grown into the condition of life. The soil does not care whether the seeds are weeds or flowers. Nature will render whatever is planted. So it is with the mind. Positive thoughts will grow positive results, negative thoughts will spawn negative results:  God is always close and wants us to renew our think of lovely things, which edify our spirits.  To share beauty and all of which is meant to bring nourishment to our souls.  

    When we become determined...and we do realize what type of tree we want...we choose very carefully what tree we would love in our garden. WE BECOME VERY SELECTIVE...WHEN WE WANT A CERTAIN TYE OF TREE. We do all in our power to be sure the seed is deep enough for the roots to support it's growth.

    Edit:  As a young gardener I had once planted a ton of wildflowers.  Now while I had loved many of the wild flowers some were difficult to stay up and I disliked their tendency to fall down.  Some looked quite disorganized and this robbed me of inner peace. Keeping them upright was a hassle and difficult...yanking them out was time consuming and hard.  At this time I wished I had a gardener.  So precious is our time, the work involved and our thoughtlife is comparable to this poem.  It is much easiert to channel our minds in the direction we relly want it to go, then to sort through all the assortments of wild, untrainable thoughts.  Far wiser to know what you want selectively.  Being deeply convicted about what you desire and making sure you have taken care that it is planted deeply in your mind.  So that it can withstand all weather and envronmental conditions.  Kinda what God wants us to becvome someone who is able to be steadfast and who can take on the storms of life.  He wants us to be sure to plant deeply in ourselves and inothers all of his truths.  

    This pretty much sums up for me what I believe this poem/proverb is discussing!  

    ty for asking!  God bless!

  2. I thought of the trees as choices, or thoughts to become convicted to?

    In this way I could see a forest of all the beliefs that I have rooted in my life. Each one has the potential to grow. And new thoughts are plannetted, and live for long times or die. Pretty cool metephore.

  3. To me I interpret this to mean, that we as Christians have to plant the seeds of Christ to all who will here, so that we can bring in souls to the harvest. Good poem by the way...

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