
Whether vote for note is reality

by Guest56794  |  earlier

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Whether vote for note is reality




  1. When the BJP and the Left parties realised that there was no way to defeat the Confidence Motion,the former

    hit upon the idea of implicating the Government and the SP particularly in sleaze.A plot was hatched to flaunt

    a whole bunch of currency  by three BJP partymen in the Parliament charging that they had been bribed by the SP to abstain.The Indian arm of a reputed TV channel was probably roped in with promise of God knows what,to conduct a putative sting operation.The  rest is history.Everyone knows how shabbily the BJP behaved just to tarnish the image of a government which they could not dislodge by any legitimate means.

    The BJP spokesman thinks he was smart when he glibly tried to brush aside pertinent questions as to why the three MPs did not hand over the bribe giver  then and there.They also did not bother to set up hidden cameras to film the so-called bribing operation.Everything that they say transpired seems to have been an afterthought because none of the alleged

    incidents happened.With egg in their faces,they are now burning midnight oil to bring a "NO CONFIDENCE

    MOTION" in the parliament.They have been exposed.Let us wait and watch as to what the Parliamentary committee set up by the Speaker brings

    out in its report.In this whole sordid affair,the role of the TV channel leaves a lot to be desired.The Channel's credentials are now suspect.Any news put out by this

    cheap channel will always have to be taken with not just a pinch but a truckload of SALT.Capitals used because the channel doesn't seem to have any sense of shame.

    Goes to show what people wouldn't do for their 15 minutes of fame.

  2. It seem so... however both sides are given their own evidence

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