
Whether we agree with each other or not here in the US, why are there Americans allowing outsiders 2 judge us?

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I know in this country there is alot of political turmoil. Aside from that, no partisanship, how can we have constructive debate between parties and remain a United people when we allow others with hidden agendas the joy of degrading our country?




  1. well as its been stated in response to my questions:

    We have a say when they start meddling in our foreign affairs.

    when foreign affairs are affected then everyone gets to discuss.

  2. We can't do anything about what citizens of other countries say about us.  On a personal level, it doesn't bother me at all.  People from other countries like to bash the USA but their country is far from perfect.

  3. Because what your government does affects many other countries.

    Do you think South Korea shouldn't comment when they have 23 hostages held by the Taliban because they sent their troops to help the war on terror.

    So until we don't get to send our young men into wars overseas to help the coalition we will comment. .

    Instead of putting the other countries down they should be acknowledged for stepping up to the plate.

    We are not degrading your country we are backing you even though many dont agree with the war in Iraq and the affect it will have on us all.

    Well you dont foot Australias bill and we gave more money to tsunami victims than any other country in the world including USA not bad when we only have 20 million people.

    We also have just played host to 7000 American sailors and made sure they were made welcome.

  4. The American way is to protect freedom of speech.  Not just the speech for us but for all.  Perhaps if we stopped being a global bully less people would hate us.

    We were respected before the Neo-cons took over and destroyed any respect we had!

  5. Because the world is complex enough that global trade and global politics are fairly important in our survival.

    And that means being on amicable relations with the other 90% of the world's population. So, trying to ignore the rest of the world doesn't help us.

    But you have a good point that we need to stop fighting internally as well as with the rest of the world.

  6. Duh, because we are degrading their country. You don't expect them to just sit back and enjoy it without doing SOMETHING, do you??

  7. Here's a guiding star " We are family"

    And living human kind too.

    We are brothers and sisters living in misery at loss and stranded on planet earth.

    We don't judge our brothers and sisters in near or faraway land.

    Here's a guiding star "We are the world"

    We reach out and extend them a helping hands with "He's ain't heavy he's my brother" in near or faraway land for the good of mankind.

    Here's a guiding star "United we stand divided we fall"

    Just the blind is blindly following the blind in making a mess out there.

    Luke 9.60

  8. I am not too concerned by what others say they think of us, I do like to know whats on their minds though.  Whether we like it or not, we do have to deal with the rest of the world & it helps if they have a good opinion of us, which many of them do not have now. Of course, if they get into trouble, who do they call on first? Well, yea, the good old U.S.A.! They know we won't turn them down, heck we will mortgage our childrens futures to help them & they know it! No one can degrade this country unless we take their jabbering to heart, we don't.

  9. Does that mean Americans also have to stop judging other countries? Isn't it going to be difficult for a lot of people to get through the day without whining about France/Venezuela/China/Mexico?

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