
Whey are people so negative towards Victoria Beckham, the Peoples Princess?

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Whey are people so negative towards Victoria Beckham, the Peoples Princess?




  1. Could be.Because she is one talentless worthless witches


  2. What has she done in life?  Poses for camera's and wears clothes.  Like, so what.

    Personally I couldn't care less about her, I just don't want to see her mug plastered everywhere but she is a terrible role model for young girls wanting fame

  3. Can't sing. Can't dance. Can't smile. Can't Eat.  What's the positive part???  All that may be a bit cruel, but she puts herself out there and has to take the bad with the good.

  4. Last time I checked, Princess Diana was and still is the actual Peoples Princess, whomever gave Ms. Beckham that title is seriously disillusioned- Victoria's only claim to fame right now is her hot husband, career wise I really haven't seen her do anything that sticks out, especially with the people, as far as charity work, causes and or any kinda of stance of any injustices. That's what gave Princess Di her title, her sincerity of the public...once the hype of her and husband wears down, she will blend in with the rest of the American celebs, therefore resting her self appointed tiara.

  5. She only thinks of the money nothing else !

  6. The peoples' princess, my foot!

  7. The peoples what ?

    the only Peoples Princess that i know of was Diana,

    Victoria Beckham, overrated and shallow.And certainly cant Sing

  8. because she is a bit of a t**t


  10. Thats the funniest thing I've read this week,she's an overrated upstart.

  11. Because she is so unnatural. She is always posing and pouting and comes across as being very shallow.

    People don't trust her because she is never seen without her make-up/trendy clothes on. They never see the real her.

  12. I don't thnk Posh isThe people's princess...Diana is. Well, Psh can be "royal" title can fit her. She can prolly b Dutchess of overratedshire. LOL

  13. is she really? i never knew that well i dont have anything against her...

  14. I'm British and she is famous for a bad singing voice and looking like a twig. She is an awful role model for teens and looks like she's fake through hand through. That pout looks ridiculous and her b***s are so fake - as if you could be that skinny and have massive b***s. Her documentary about her and David was all set up her PA was an actress..!

  15. Peoples Princess, my!

    She's lame and overrated!

  16. Victoria who?

  17. Other than the fact that she's a pretentious tart with her head up her own ar$e?, I've no idea.

  18. Since when did she become the people's princess? Victoria is a pop star and that is her claim to fame, ohh and having a footballer for a husband.

  19. she is not the peoples princess btw, that was Princess Diana.

    Victoria Beckham is an ordinary mother of 3, who just happens to be married to one of the most famous footballers and who just happens to have been in that ridiculous girl band 10 years ago.  She is far too up herself and needs to loosen up if she wants people to take her to their hearts.

    Personally I would prefer to be friends with Katie Price - physically its a bit OTT, but she doesnt mind laughing at herself and seems more natural (obviously not everything is natural).  Plus she is usually smiling not pouting!

  20. Dont call her people's princess! She might want that title, but she needs to earn it in ways other than starving herself and posing with her husband. She has done nothing good to the public, so why become their princess?!!

  21. I say David for King.

  22. Peoples  a r s e ! Who says? Her PR consultant.

  23. People like you? I think you just want to feed your jealousy.

  24. who says SHE'S the people's princess?????????!!!!!! Diana is, was, and always will be.

    Victoria's an airhead, who wouldn't even consider doing a charitable  appearance for free. she's all for herself.

  25. Because she is a strategically shaved chimp. I think people resent this "fame" for being "famous" as  there are more talented chimps who would welcome the chance to be shaved and marry a football advertuoso. Her child naming is on a par with Frank Zappa and Bob Geldof (sir). I hear also quite ominously that the spice girls are getting back together,,,,, I'm going to have to hibernate I think.

    See you when they have earned enough money and buggered off again.

  26. She gets a lot of media attention, has a lot of money and is happily married to a famous and popular man. All these things combine to attract people's attention to her, and when they see that she is really quite an ordinary sort of person they are somewhat puzzled as to why she should be so much more fortunate and successful than the next person.

    There is some element of jealousy in *some* people, but mostly it is because she is yet another 'celebrity' who is more famous for being famous than for anything she has actually *done* for a long time, and of course successful women are much more targets of criticism and comment than successful men (for example, this question is not about her husband and he doesn't attract the sort of 'hate' comments she does).

    While I would NOT call her "the people's princess" she is envied by many and to me does not seem either stupid or useles. She has been clever enough to spin a little talent and medium good looks into a big career, a happy marriage and family life, plus a high level of material success.

    However, people's divided attitudes towards her are an example of the flip side of the celebrity madness of today ... on the one hand magazines with Victoria Beckham on the cover sell more copies, on the other hand people love to hate her.

    The truth is, however, that none of us actually know her, or anything about her except what the media tells us. We make up our minds based on magazine articles and tv shows, which is a little pathetic. Our celebrity crazy culture is very strange in this respect.

    Cheers :-)

  27. I've nothing against her but she doesn't interest me at all.

  28. Are you a Scientologist? That is why Hollywood has embraced her.

  29. Because she's only famous for being married to David Beckham.

  30. Where did you get this idea from? A fifth rate pop 'singer', talentless with more money than sense whose only claim to any sort of fame is that she married a footballer.

  31. I thought Diana was the People's Princess.

    Victoria Beckham reminds me of a British Paris Hilton.

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