
Whey protein vs. Creatine?

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So I'm not the biggest guy, but not the smallest. Im 6'2" and 175lb. I'm looking to put on some muscle. Now i'm not looking to get HUGE just put on a little weight and some muscle. But im curious which should i be taking whey protein or creatine supplements? Any infomation on either/both items would be greatly appreciated. I dont really know much except protein helps your muscles rebuild.




  1. There's a lot of myths about protein.  They stem from the big money made from selling powders and meat.

    The fact is, the average diet has all the protein you'd ever need.  The only way to build muscle is lifting weights.  There's many techniques such as High intesity, varying weights, reps, rest periods...

    But most people are "hard-gainers".  They just can't gain muscle.  It's mostly genetic.

  2. I'll throw it out there, no, its not bad for you.

    Anyway, its more of your preference. I'd rather just take creatine rather than protien whey, simply because of the taste difference, but its up to you. Not much difference in them, maybe a few calories, which shouldn't matter if your using them right so your best just deciding by flipping a coin. Far as brand, that again is up to the money you have and how much your doing. If your going to be lazy with it and do bear minuim, I'd just get generic (if there is such a thing) of creatine or whey, cheap stuff. I used Muscle milk for a stint, it was decent and made muscle growth speed up quite a bit.

    If you want the facts just e-mail me, I've used it after I did my research, and I used to be anti-creatine till I learned what it is lmao, its just protein..  

  3. whey and creatine are completely different things.  Protein has chains of amino acids which help rebuild muscles.  Creatine helps water be absorbed into the cells.

  4. Creatine works, BUT, it is NOT safe to use. I suggest you do a web search on this.

    Bulk, high weights, low reps.

  5. muscle milk is great protein source,but creatine makes you strong,take both

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