
Whi is the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi?

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Whi is the political guru of Mahatma Gandhi?




  1. None. Both are dead.

  2. Leo Tolstoy, whose book "The Kingdom of God is Within You" was the first modernist to lay out the idea of personal sacrifice, identification with the poor, and non-violent protest.  He also borrowed heavily from Henry David Thoreau, but Gandhi actually wrote to Tolstoy a few times.  Tolstoy was an old man and didn't have time to answer his questions.

  3. Mahatma Gandhi honed his political skills in the light of the wrtings of John Ruskin and Leo Tolstoy and the modertion of Gopal Krishna Gokhale.

  4. Gopal krishna gokhle is the Political guru of Mahatma Gandhi

    because on his advise in 1915  after coming from S. Africa, Mahatma Gandhi spent the first year touring throughout the country to know the real India

  5. his consciouses

  6. Mahatma Gandhi himself has acknowledged Mr. Gopal Krishna Gokhale as his political guru, in his autobiography - Experiments of Truth.

  7. gokule

  8. There is no scope for investigation and enquiry since BAPUJI himself accepted Gopala Krishna Gokhale as his GURU.


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