
Which 1 is better cokr or pepsi?

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Which 1 is better cokr or pepsi?




  1. both are bad for you. because both are pretty much the same thing. (caffeine, sugar etc...)

  2. All depends on the drinker.  Some like one over the other.  I like coke better, but I buy what is on sale.  I think Pepsi is sweeter.

  3. c**k for me

  4. coke

  5. coke pepsi is to sweet and I don't like died

  6. Definitely Coke.

  7. pepsi by far

  8. i like coke.

  9. I prefer Pepsi.

    I'll drink Coke if that is all that is available.

  10. Coke has a livelier taste and more caffeine so it is a double favorite of mine.

  11. coke is better than pepsi but...

    diet pepsi is better than diet coke

  12. even though coke is original, pepsi is way better

  13. pespi is so much better then coke

  14. Pepsi is okay in small amounts but, they proved in tests overall people like a whole can of coke to a whole can of pepsi.

    I agree.

  15. Pepsi is sweeter but Coca-Cola is the ONLY soda I'll put my rum in.

  16. Pepsi!!

    I love the new can look!!:P

  17. the purple stuff,and weed is better than both coke,pepsi.

  18. Coke. Pepsi is WAY!! to sweet and it gets flat quicker. Coke is AWESOME = ]

  19. coke is better! pepsi is too sweet!

  20. I honostly prefer pepsi over coke because coke burns my throat.

    and more flavor i just dont like that theres no more pepsi lime and pepsi twist my favorites.

  21. Their basically the same thing. Both taste the same... But i usually get pepsi.

  22. COKE!

    we gangstas from atlanta drink nothing but coke :]

  23. Coke.

  24. Definitely pepsi

  25. Pepsi is soo much better then coke! I know a lot of ppl that get sick from the taste of coke. And who wants to drink a pop that had drugs in it when it first came out! FOR REAL!

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