
Which 1 of us is the prettiest???

by  |  earlier

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We were all talking last night, about our beaty and we have known each other 4 a while so we just said that each other 1 was the prettiest. So, which 1 of us do u think has the most beauty? explanations would be great :~)

gray, yellow, or pink??




  1. the link doesn't work, sweetie.

  2. i think michael phelps is a lot prettier than those motivational posters :)

  3. you cant even see them.

  4. i would say michael phelps is hot.

    this scene chick is pretty.

    and the pin up girl is just well a pin up girl.

    so basically ya. the link dont work? is what im guessing.

  5. not working...

  6. Link wont work

  7. sorry its not  working..........

  8. the grey one

  9. d**n, its hard to chose u all are so hot and s**y. but if i had to chose i would say the one wearing yellow. ur all perfect 10's.

  10. probobly the blonde haired girl


  11. Doesnt work

  12. links don't work

  13. You can tell the yellow girl is wearing a push up bra SO badly. Tell her to wear a normal one, she looks so fake. I'd say the girl in the gray is the prettiest, she looks the oldest/most mature. The pink looks ridiculously young and has braces. The yellow is pretty but has bad teeth. And that stupid push up bra...

  14. Sorry girl!  The link does NOT WORK!

  15. check the links or try:

  16. yellow is prettiest = she has an adorable haircut that really looks good with her face.

    gray is second prettiest = her hair is the second prettiest for her face, lol.

    pink is third prettiest = her hair doesn't do much for her face, like, it doesn't compliment.


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