
Which 3 products can we make to reduce global warming ?

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i need 3 ideas on doing a product that can help to reduce global warming.




  1. i cannot think of three products

    but here are 4 changes in attitude

    Kill the internal combustion engine and make anti gravity transport ,that floats .not using roads.

    Forget old energy methods and use only alternative energies ,such as solar ,tidal movements ,wind ,and water turbines.

    Change our diets from Cows and corn or wheat to less environmentally consuming products

    Start living under the ground ,or have nature on top of us .

    with living roofs.

  2. Actually....IF you believe that man is causing global warming.....products already exist that would have an alleged impact on so-called AGW.

    For example, If Al Gore were to use tele-conferences instead of jetting his butt all over the world on pollution-spewing jets, he could avoid spitting out thousands of tons of c**p into our atmosphere.  AND....he might even get some respect for a change!

    Hey..... How about making car tires out of adobe!!!

  3. 1. Aluminum foil ball caps; 2. Aluminum foil western hats; 3. Aluminum foil Easter bonnets.

  4. You can't fix a myth

    You can't stop a natural process driven by the sun

    You can't change peoples minds or are obsessed with believing the man-made global warming bilge.

    As a comedian said:

    You can fix a lot of things about people but you can't fix stupid.

  5. The only way to reduce it is to stop burning coal, oil and natural gas. If you can invent a product that does not need to burn coal, oil, or natural gas to do some job that we use coal, oil, or natural gas to do today, like boil water or heat a house or fuel a car or fire a steam engine to generate electricity, then that would help.

  6. How about a giant AC unit that runs on B.S. Then the global warming crowd can power it themselves. Oh I need two more. How about a car that is powered by your feet, oh wait the Flintstones already did that. How about money trees. Money seems to fix it right?

  7. nuclear energy.  It burns clean with no co2 emissions.

    electric cars, who can get their power from the grid, powered by nuclear energy.

    With these two products co2 emissions would be reduced considerably.   You do not need a third.  Plus we get clean air.

  8. They've already invented ball gags.  All "we" have to do now is get Al Gore and his followers to wear warming problem solved.

  9. walking shoes, skate boards,bicycle

  10. 1/ any plastic material.

    2/ any radius material.

    3/ any our waste things.

  11. Turn to Nuclear power, allow us to harness the energy in the waves and the wind along the coasts, and finally, make it mandatory that large flat roofs have solar panels on them especially schools to help provide power for the buildings.

  12. 1. Incinerator to burn "An Inconvenient Truth" dvds. No more bull.

    2. Science textbooks to at least teach what global warming actually is.

    3. Coffin for idiots that go "green" yet still guzzle around in their carbon-emitting cars. So proud of themselves, those turds.

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