
Which AP should I take?

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Because of scheduling conflicts I have to drop AP Physics, which I really wanted to take but can wait until my senior year, and change it into AP Bio or AP Environmental Science. Which one should I choose? Which one is easier? Which one requires more work? (labs)

I need to know how much the workload is because I do many afterschool activities, such as piano, band, track, church basketball, and academic team.

In the future I plan to be an architect or a pharmecist but these are not sure things.




  1. AP Bio is generally more respected by most schools and is a more difficult subject for most./

  2. AP Environmental was the best AP class i ever took...

    since your in band and your school offers it, maybe you should consider AP music theory really helps out music wise, its not really that much work either.

    i got a 5 on both exams.

    good luck!

  3. Ap Biology is one of the hardest classes u will ever take and its workload is huge. AP Environemntal is a lot easier adn a bit more fun, but AP Bio will definitely look good on a college app

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