
Which AS Level.... French or Spanish?

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I've just completed my GCSE's and I got A for Spanish and an A for French. I'm not sure which one to choose. I've thought about but I've failed to come to a conclusion. I know it's my choice but I REALLY can't decide. What's your answer and why? (I'm not considering to take two languages) Thanks!




  1. French.

  2. Although personally I would choose Spanish, I think maybe French would be the better option.  If you imagine looking at your CV from the eyes of an employer, if there is a language there, French will be more appealing because of the business opportunities that France (which is closer than Spain) and other French speaking countries hold.

    However, any language on a CV shows an ability to learn well and so maybe you should just consider taking the subject which you find easiest?

  3. Spanish, if you give me a best answer I will do your homework for ya :-)  BTW just want to support spanish here. Spanish is spoken in alot more places than french is spoke. Spanish is the first language in many parts of the USA. It is spoken in almost all of central and south america, aswell as spain and equatorial guinea in africa. That is alot more countries than those that speak french.

  4. I would opt for French, because outside of English, French is the most used universally used language in the commercial world.....

  5. Elige español, es un idioma que te abre muchísimas puertas

  6. go for whichever you enjoy more, and pick up most easily. I think french is more wide spread but spanish is easier.  

  7. thats really hard, but consider all these things,

    - which did you enjoy the most?

    - which did you find easier?

    - are you likely to need one of them more than the other

    - do a search to see which language is more valued by employers.

    hope i helped :)  

  8. Jesus woman, you must be some intelligent girl. I got a "F" for my Spanish GCSE, I'd never pick a language at A level jeez.

  9. You need to think of which one you would use more, sounds like you are just as good at both and you enjoy both as much!

    I know you said you don't want to take both languages, but what about if you took AS level Spanish this year, then swapped for AS level French? (or the other way round) They both add up to 1 full A level and you can have another 12 months to think :)

  10. french

    personally, i love learning it (doing a gcse in it), it's spoken it alot of places, whereas spanish is spoken in less

  11. Which one do you enjoy more? Which one do you think you've done better in the last two years, and which one do you find the easiest?

    Also, take into account which language you find easier to pronounce (to help with orals... and maybe listenings).

    I do them both right now for GCSE... and i think i'll be in the same dilemma next year. But i find spanish easier, even though french might be more useful.

  12. I think you should choose the one you most enjoy!! :D

    Someone plz answer my question!! Plzzzzzzz I need help!!;...

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