
Which Acid is found in Ant?

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Which Acid is found in Ant

(a). Hydrochloric

(b). Nitric

(c). Formic

(d). Sulphuric




  1. formic acid present in it's sting

  2. c

  3. (c) formic acid

  4. formic acid (HCOOH)

  5. Formic acid...!!

  6. formic acid is found in ant

  7. formic acid

  8. (d). formic acid

  9. Aqua Regia

  10. Ant is called biologically called Formica. This is related to formic acid that they produce.

  11. formic acid...

    formic acid is the derivation of formic acid.. so be carefull with the ants!!!

  12. C - Formic Acid

    For over 600 years naturalists knew that ant hills gave off an acidic vapor. In 1671, the English naturalist John Ray describe the isolation of the active ingredient. To do this he collected and distilled a large numbers of dead ants, and the acid he discovered later became known as formic acid from the Latin word for ant, formica.

  13. formic acid!

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