
Which Airline Is Fat People Friendly

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Oh I'm a plus sized woman and I've flown a lot from Sacramento, Ca to Raleigh, NC this passed year and never had a problem. This time however I'm going from Raleigh to Sacramento and I'll likely be going alone and all the other times I've flown with family.

Should I expect people to be rude? Will I be required to buy a ticket for another seat? I'v eheard horror stories from fat people being booted off to them having to sell out thousands of dollars for the seat next to them! I'm also 5ft 9 inches tall and African-American....Help?




  1. im flying out of raleigh on sunday morning :]

    im sure no one will be rude but i once heard some airlines require you to buy two seats instead of one because its so packed...or you could just simply ask to sit at the emergencu exit where there is more leg room

    good luck im sure it will all be fine!

    i know Delta is a good airline and thats what im flying

  2. It depends how much weight and how much room you take up.. Generally planes seat a standard size of people....You could be considered handicap and they might give you special privileges, but then again why would you want to do that. Why not go to the gym and make improvements in your life to better it...

  3. The aircrafts are designed with certain seats that have longer seat belts and you could call your airline to try to reserve those seats in advance.  That helps you from having to get a seat belt extender from the flight attendants.  I have never been rude to anyone that might be occupying part of seat but I guess there are people like that out there.  If you travel with your family..on planes with three seats on each side you might try booking an aisle seat and window seat.  That will reduce the chance of anyone seating in the middle next to you.  Some people do buy an extra seat and that just ensures your comfort.  But I would just try to travel on days that aren't the busiest (like weekdays..tues, weds) and you'll likely have an empty seat next to you anyways!  Good Luck and I admire your positive attitude!

  4. The average economy class airline seat is about 17 inches wide. If you're wider than that, then it's possible that the people next to you will be "rude". It's also possible that the airline will require you to buy an extra seat.

    That's unfortunate. However, the person in the next seat paid for a full seat and has a right to their space. I've been squeezed into half of a seat because the passenger next to me "spilled over" into it. That's not fair to me. Nor can airlines afford to give extra free seats to accommodate people who need them. They have to earn a minimum amount of money per flight to stay in business. Free seats means that they will have to raise prices for everyone - which is not fair to the other passengers.

    Every decision in life has benefits and costs. You said that you could lose weight but don't want to because you feel great. I think it's wonderful that you feel great and that you're happy with your life. However, the cost of your decision is that you might have to buy two seats or get some grief from other passengers if you encroach on their space. That's life.

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