
Which American Freedom is more important?

by Guest67014  |  earlier

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1.Freedom of Speech

2. Freedom of Religion

3. Freedom of the Press




  1. 1, of course.

    #3 only comes from #1

    #2 attempts to destroy #1.

  2. I think they are all equally important.

  3. Freedom of speech, It is how all ideas and views are shared and debated.

  4. Um, these are all first amendment rights... shouldn't they all be rated with the same importance? Besides freedom of press IS freedom of speech, isn't it?

  5. Neither, here is why after 9/11 all of those rights were pretty much taken away.  Freedom of religion is a joke try being a Muslim in America.

    The right to bear arm is the most important freedom we have.

  6. I believe that when these rights were written, none were supposed to be more or less important than the others. You must demand all rights, or deserve none.

  7. First Speech because I think it supports the freedom of Religion. Then Press...

  8. Probably speech.  That is the main reason America was started is to get out of British rule. THEN came freedom of religion and press...

  9. Freedom of speech is definitely the most important.

  10. Freedom of speech as the other two fall under #1

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