
Which American city has suffered the most urban sprawl?

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Which city in America has suffered the most urban sprawl in the last decade or so? Is it Houston, Texas?




  1. I don't know if you can measure urban sprawl.  Do you measure it by houses being created? The amount of chain stores being introduced to the market? The repetition of the same stores being built?

  2. I would have to say Atlanta. It's growing so fast that soon Chattanooga and Atlanta will form a super suburb

  3. Phoenix, if I had to guess.


    Ok, so I did a little research. Apparently San Bernadino- Riverside has the worst sprawl but I'm not sure that's fair since it's basically an extension of the LA metro area.

    It's difficult to compare the sprawl of one city to another given the vast differences between how and why different cities develop and the market forces involved.

    Out of the cities I've spent any considerable time in I would say that the DC-Baltimore Consolidated Metro Area has the worst sprawl. DC: 550,000 or so, metro area: over five million (including Baltimore with 650,000 or so). That's pretty bad...

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