
Which Asian group are we Navajo/Apache descended from?

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I just want to know if I and my tribe are of Mongol or Siberian or some form of Asian descent. I know we are I just want to know which one we are closest to. If you don't want to answers then don't if you want to rant at me I'll report it, I don't give a ****, I ttried to be nice and people act like b*****s to me, and don't even think you have balls if you rant at me and have your email blocked., now which group of Asians do we come from?




  1. Why do you keep asking this question over and over again?

    What answer do you want?

    Are you obsessing on this cos you're trying to settle an argument between two relatives driving you batty with their constant fighting or something?

    Whenever the ancestors of the NaDene people crossed over the Bering Strait by land bridge or boat it was too long ago even for genetic experts to have a clear picture.

    I told you before  most experts on the genetics of ancient populations would probably agree that Navaho Mongols and Siberians share common ancestors but all of those MODERN groups are descended from earlier Eurasian peoples.

    No one have worked out the exact date of the split yet!

    Yes the ancestors of the Navaho had ancestors who lived in Northern Eurasia and so did the Mongols and Siberians!

    You are probably not descended from Mongols or Siberians directly though!

    Think of them as cousins not ancestors?

    Frankly you would have a better chance of tracking which Pueblo group any non NaDene ancestor in your family came from!

    Navahos do NOT "come from a group of Asians"

    Modern Navaho share ancestors with Modern Asians.

    For all you know your closest genetic relatives in Asia may be Uighurs or Tibetans!

  2. Great question:

    Both Navajo and Apache are in the Athabaskan language group  .  However I am not sure if that language group is more dominant in the Mongolian or the Siberian peoples.  I do know a man who could answer that question for you however.  Email me and I will put you in touch with him.

    Ya at eeh

  3. Siberian or Mongol? It's like 6 of one and half dozen of the other. I think Mongols and Siberians are probably mostly descended from the same people themselves. I've heard they connected some native american DNA to the Ainu people of northern Japan also.

    I think there were many different asian tribes that came and settled America. Which one became the Apaches or Navajo's? Who knows? Someone out there might have some kind of DNA data. Check around.

  4. I know I've read a couple of articles about this. I'm not sure if they've made a specific statement regarding which Asian group.

    It could be that in going back 13,000 years that the lines get some what blurred. It is possible that as both crossed the land bridge that they started mixing.

  5. sorry Johhny L this question might as well have been in chinese i don't know which asian group the navajo and apache descended from

  6. I didn't even know the Navajo or Apache tribes decended from an asian group. Interesting.

  7. Wow, do we have a chip on our shoulders, don't we. Now, calm down and listen. The latest findings of the National Geographic Society's  tests are not complete but, the latest ones find the North Americans that came here, at least the larger populations of them, came from the very Northern Islands of Japan, which were connected to the Asian mainland at the time. From Northern Siberia and from the Asian Continent, they were still wandering after the migrating animals, not looking for new lands to journey to, only for food.

           I don't know if you can still have your genetic record verified through them or not but, if you contact the National Geographic Society's main page and go to the genetic pages, I'm sure you'll find something, they're conduction tests and need ten K individuals for accuracy.

           You'll need to prove you last 350 years here, then a DNA swatch which will be sent to you in a kit for $120.00 they'll notify you every three months what their outcome is.

  8. WOW. Don't worry , be Happy .

  9. I think there has been some recent research that found people migrated by boat before they could have by land. There have found archaeology that pre-dates  the 'Clovis' people. Try typing in mitochondrial dna migration and select images, you get some really good maps. Although I'm English its one of those questions that has puzzled me too.

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