
Which Astrological Sun Sign is Most Likely and Least Likely...?

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Which astrological Sun Sign is most likely to produce the greatest number of homosexuals? Which astrological Sun Sign is least likely to produce the greatest number of homosexuals? Please state your own Sun Sign and list the reason why you believe your answer to be true?




  1. Honestly I can't answer this one. I know g*y guys of all signs, and lesbians? don't get me started...


  2. Adding to IRISH's answer

    Venus in dual sign , Moon in dual sign (especially gemini and pisces , to a lesser extent , libra and aquarius ) could make someone more prone to homosexuality, or bisexuality. Or is it just me

    Venus in Gemini trine Libra rising

    Moon in Pisces trine Sun

    Jupiter in Aquarius sextile Uranus in Sagittarius

    d**n, I have a lot of dual signs in my chart, no wonder I am a bi.

  3. a virgo in guys. i have a g*y friend and i swear he acts move of a girl than i do :]

  4. EDIT: I think there are g**s and lesbians in every sign.

  5. Aries: Would probably be closet g**s because they're too macho to show their true selves and would worry about everyone else's opinion.

    Taurus:Ruled by Venus, so the guys could be kinda suspect...

    Gemini: Loves fashion, gossip, etc.  Hmm...

    Cancer: Overly emotional, whiny and temperamental, sounds suspect to me.

    Leo: Big manly Lion, right?  Think about how prim Lions are, while they're sitting there, worrying about their manes.  Not very manly...

    Virgos: Could be g*y.  Very neat, prim and critical.  Very "Odd Couple".

    Libra: Self-explanatory

    Scorpio: This one is hard.  I'll leave it blank and edit it later.

    Sagittarius: I've met so many g*y Sagittarians.  They're very social, love to gossip and stir up trouble.

    Capricorns: Well, they try to act all conservative (Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura), but then we also have Howard Stern and Marilyn Manson, so...

    Aquarians: Could be g*y and I highly doubt that they'd give a flying waffle about anyone's opinions about it.

    Pisces: Could be g*y.  They'd probably meet a potential mate in a bar though.

  6. hmm,whats your sign again?

  7. I don't believe it has anything to do with astrology actually.  

  8. About 6 months ago, a lady in the g*y/Bi/Les section wrote me and said she did an informal survey on this question.

    She reported that Geminis were most common sign for g*y men, Scorp for L*****n, and Libra for bisexual. Most of the g*y men I know are Cancer Sun and Gemini sun.

    Of course, it's a random study, and who knows what cross section of society reported in that day...but it's interesting.


    (For least likely, any "traditional" sign, one that is conservative like Taurus or direct like Aries would be unlikely to break tradition.)

  9. In girls, an Aries in venus makes one VERY masculine. She will probably never be caught in a skirt, never be caught applying makeup, and maybe not even caught doing her own hair. Aries is a very masculine sign, and pairing it up with venus would have a huge effect on the individual. Athletic abilities would be heightened, aggressive tendencies would escalate. This aspect of one's chart wouldn't MAKE somebody les, but it would DEFINATELY encourage it if they chose to be so. *i'm not saying there aren't girly aries venus's though. lol*

    A Gemini in mars or venus would also encourage not just homosexuality, but bisexuality. gemini's dual nature would make one very curious. since the twins are probably the ones who proved "curiousity killed the cat" it wouldn't be odd for a gemini mars/venus native to try both sexes.

    but since you asked sun sign, i'll probably go with libra and gemini making someone have bi or g*y tendencies. since librans have a feminine air about them, and gemini's have a tendency to try both genders, i'll go with them.hehe

    cancer sun

    aries rising

    taurus moon

  10. hmm i would go with gemini being most likely. because they are naturally curious and therefore more likely to be influenced and let their ideas run wild by what they see on tv like shows with g*y or bisexual contents etc. they are also air sign + mutable so they are not fixed in an idea such as sexuality.

    also dual signs like libra and pisces (know a bi female whose pisces) too since they are more likely to accept such culture and society because they can see both sides of it and are generally more open minded.

    scorpio too are too highly likely since they like to explore whats below the surface, like taboo subjects. so they might not be terribly excited abt the usual heterosexuality?

    well the least likely, taurus probably since they are fixed and a earth sign at that. so it might mean that they hold onto tradition views more than others.

    well im a little lazy to type anymore so i'll just leave it here haha.

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