
Which BB housemate makes you want tear your own arm off, just so you've got something to hit them with?

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For me its Kat, and the creepy way a 30 year old woman acts like a child.




  1. I agree with you, Kat she is so annoying, her voice just grates on my nerves.  

  2. I think Kat looks like one of those baby bratz dolls. I dont like Mikey because he can be gross and Mo because he ate Mikeys snot. That was just plain URGH!

  3. All of 'em; absolutely the worst batch EVER !

  4. Probaly Darnell or Mikey because they just have their little rants about stupid thing. And Rex he irritates me the whole time of how he is mean to people especially racheal

  5. Kat for me too Philip! We could tear an arm off each then that would be two arms to hit her chubby, annoying, cookie face in with! How about it? lol!

  6. Darnell or Mikey, they do it for me. I can't write anymore about them, or I think I WILL tear my arm off, now you've given me that idea.

  7. Rex as he is a *****, actually I pretty much hate them all exept Mikey

  8. For me it has to be Rex.

    Can I tear of my left leg instead .... I have a cast on at the moment so it would hurt him more. :)

  9. Anyone who appears on BB makes me feel like that!!!

  10. for me its sara

  11. kat darnell and rex

  12. All of them!

    and yet I keep watching!

  13. it would have to be nicole... i just thank god i dont have the misfortune of actually knowing her in my life..

    in the house right now it would have to be rex but i would just beat him with the arm i ripped off nicole!!

  14. Mikey and Mo, they both make me feel quite nauseous.

  15. Kat for me too.

    It's all I can do to not put my TV in when she sings, dances and do that two hands, two wiggling fingers thing.

  16. Mikey no contest ,Grrrr  

  17. nicole, altho shes gone, none of the others irritate me that much

  18. Im happy to say, now Nicole has gone (I would have ripped and arm and a leg off to hit her with), I would gladly rip off my other arm and batter Mo with it, then Rex, then Mikey, then Kat.  Darnell has thrown a paddy the last couple of days, but I can cope with his hissy fits, Sarah's voice grinds on me to the point of ripping my hair out.

    I say Lisa to win  (didn't you just love that proposal today?)


  19. everyone of those nut casses.

  20. With you all the way here Phil - For me it's Kat as well - She's really got under my skin the last few days !

  21. So hard to choose just one, I'm torn between Kat and Mikey. Could I please have two I just can't choose between them?

  22. too Phil....

    BUT Mikey also makes me want to lash out....

    But thats not very PC....

    But its true.....

  23. I agree Kat for me too.

    Actually I would rip off both arms and a leg!

  24. Has to be Mo.That guy would tear his own arm off just to eat it!.

  25. Mikey!  Yuk!

  26. Rex, and I hope I get my blood all over his precious hat!

  27. kat, luke, bex, slyvia, dennis, jennifer.  

  28. Dude, would it not be easier to just change the channel ?

  29. Got to be Mikey.  I would tear off my leg so that i could kick him too.  

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