
Which Blu ray DVD/movie has the absolute best picture and sound?

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Which Blu ray film delivers, in your opinion, the best picture and sound quality from your collection? I don't have many Blu ray movies, but in my collection, in terms of sound, X-Men The Last Stand is magnificent. As for picture, I really like Pirates of the Caribbean COTBP. The sound in Pirates is really good as well.




  1. Good question. Ghost Rider I always saw having a great playback as for the Video (terrible movie though). Casino Royal had some good Audio. But to tell you the truth I haven't looked to much into it yet. I waited for the dust to settle.

    Look for anything with DTS-HD and Dolby Tru-HD. If you have the processing to decode it then that will be what to look for in any HI-DEF/Blu-ray movie

    More Questions? Just e-mail me. I have owned a home theater business

    Good luck

  2. There is no way to define absolute best ... it's subjective.

    That said, here is a listing of what HighDefDigest reviewers rated as the best Blu-ray movies based on video quality. The list varies a bit if you sort based on audio quality (use the drop down list of critieria at the top) ... but note this critieria depends on which audio format you can use.

  3. All the ones we have played as demos for the demo tvs at work seem to have great picture and sound when played through surround sound systems. So far we have played Cars, Pearl Harbor, Planet Earth, Happy Feet, Pirates of the Caribbean (not sure what one though), Ratatouille, and I Robot. So far I would have to say Cars has had the best picture and sound. Pearl Harbor had great sound as well but no where near as good picture. Planet Earth had really good picture and sound as well. Ratatouille had great picture. I Robot has had great picture and sound so fare from what I have seen as we just put it in to day as a new demo disc. But over all CARS has been the best in picture and sound.

  4. like other poster said for which one is the best its subjective because for me it could be one and for you another.

    but for sure animated movies always looks really well and in regular movies I heard other and I saw way back when the format war start that the best transfer to highdef so far was Aeon Flux.

    you can check on forums soemtimes they have ratings on sound and video for movies in blu-ray , HD-DVD

  5. I have the POTC trilogy on both blu-ray and DVD - the picture is great on all three but the audio (I have a Pioneer Home Theater system) is average, IMO.  To be honest, the best picture and audio quality I have seen so far comes from a Disney flick.  I bought Cars for my son and cartoons look just ridiculous on blu-ray.

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