
Which British city do youfind uglier, dirtier, and more polluted: Birmingham or Sheffield?

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Which British city do youfind uglier, dirtier, and more polluted: Birmingham or Sheffield?




  1. Sheffield always seems more grim when I drive past it or through it. Birmingham is a lot greener and has had more investment in it in recent years.

  2. Birmingham. It's not a British city anymore.

  3. London is very dirty when you get out of Westminster

  4. what is ugly about Sheffield?

  5. London is a dump.

  6. Thats a tough call.

    Though you accurately describe both these cities,Sheffield is undergoing massive regeneration.

    Unfortunately,much of the regeneration is geared towards the comforts and benefits of our "cultural enrichers".Many millions of counciltax pounds are being invested into the building of huge mosques and ethnic resource centres whilst Christian Churches are allowed to fall into disrepair becuase of unfair taxes levied against them whilst state funds are denied to them.

    Schools are awarded funding according to the ratio of ethnic minorities in the schools and the specific facilities provided for them.Ultimately,white flight has resulted in most city centre schools consisting almost entirely of ethnic minorities and the schools showing very little evidence of location in England.

    I cant speak with the same knowledge of Birmingham and I assumed that Birmingham suffers more from a large black population rather than muslim.

    Needless to say ,both cities are dumps and both suffer from the same disease of driving the hard working whites out whilst the loony left councils pander to the demands of the ethnic minorities with our taxpounds.

  7. Hmm.. Not much between them, both pretty grim. They are slowly but surely trying to get rid of all those horrible buildings in Birmingham which were built in the sixties. My vote goes for Sheffield.  

  8. Actually............London is worse than those 2

  9. I live near Sheffield and it really isn't that bad. Theres bad parts of every city.  

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