
Which British monarch discarded the swan in favour of turkey for the royal dinner?

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Here are the choices.

King Georg III

Queen Anne

Queen Victoria

William of Orange

I am looking for the answer as I do not know myself and someone has possed this question to me in a trivia game so any help I would get would be great.





  1. Henry VIII

    Turkey was first introduced into Britain in about 1523 with Henry VIII being one of the first people to eat it as part of the Christmas feast.

  2. Victoria

  3. ummm we're at the dead end...i have no idea!

  4. Who cares!

    I'd rather you pose the question, " Which great PM discarded the Royal Family Turkey's in favour of a Swan of a President in this country"?

  5. Queen Victoria because she felt a Swan was much more beautiful and proper for her Royal Status

  6. This is a great question!  Have no idea but I think it might have been Victoria.

  7. If you have tasted swan, you will know that anything is preferable. Being pond bottom and weed eaters, they taste of mud, not unlike wigeon.

    It was Henry the Vlll.

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