
Which CD should I use???

by  |  earlier

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Hi, I want to put some videos on a CD and send it through the post to some friends...should I use a DVD-R or CD-R?

Whats the difference? and which is better?




  1. cheq this out

    i hope it'll help you

  2. DVD-R .  

  3. My best guess is a DVD-R  

  4. Definatly a DVD-R at least you will be able to fit all your videos on without any drama.

  5. well you can fit more video on a DVD-R than a CD-R

    DVD-R as much as 240 minutes.

    but 120 is recommended for quality.

    CD-R 80 minutes max.

    and less quality image.

  6. absolutely DVD is better but you should make sure that all of your friends have DVD-player. and burning DVD Videos needs some tricks.

    burn videos with Nero and use the item Make Video CD or Make Video DVD.

  7. use DVD-R it has a better sound and picture than a CD-R

  8. It depends on the format of the videos.

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