
Which Calgary hotel is best:Westin, Hyatt or Sheraton Eau Claire?

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Travelling to Calgary this summer. Wondering which hotel is the newest or nicest to stay at? Looking for modern & new decor, CLEAN rooms and nice bathrooms. Don't care about customer service or food/bars/restaurants. Any advice or suggestions are greatly appreciated!! Looking forward to visiting CowTown!




  1. I love the Hyatt. The other places are nice and modern too. Another good one is the's totally elegant and the rooms are great (cept it's very expensive).

  2. They are all really nice hotels.  But Eu Claire is a really nice area with lots to do.  You could also try the "Hotel Arts" if your looking for nice decor, modern and new.  This hotel was just renovated last year and its absoluitly beautiful. You can check out the rooms here .

  3. I think all those are nice, but the prices are very different. Hyatt is the most expensive of your 3 choices, probably starting from about 1500 per night, then Sheraton for about 600 and finally Hyatt for maybe about 300. (estimates) Hope you have fun here!

    Oh, and i just found you a link with excellent information that also includes pictures of the different hotels!

  4. They are all nice hotels and they are all right downtown.   Prices are probably pretty similiar as well.    They all deal with business travellers so I'm sure they are all nicely decorated.  The Sheraton is a couple blocks further north of the others and is almost right on the river.    

    I don't think there is going to be much of a difference between them.

  5. westin and seraton are similar, modern rooms but nothing special.  Hyatt has a very nice spa but again the rooms are nothing special.  I would recommend the paliser by Fairmont hotels and resorts.  no question the best hotel in calgary, possibly alberta.  it is where the queen stayed.

    make it happen

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