
Which Candidate, if elected will handle these threats to America best, McCain, or Obama?

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"Iraq is a fragile, still-struggling democracy, the only one in the Arab world.

Iran -- A country run by crazed Islamic extremists with nuclear material, thumbing their noses at the civilized world.

China -- An emerging economic and military colossus which, despite our best efforts to bring about reform, persists in persecuting its own people and supporting America's enemies around the world.

Russia -- A third world nation with an aging arsenal of nuclear weapons, run by a cold-blooded former KGB bureaucrat who thinks he is the next coming of the last czar.

North Korea -- A starving people ruled by a despot who has already figured out how to split the atom.

Venezuela -- A South American nation run by an America-hating tinhorn dictator sitting on a sea of the world's most precious resource - oil."

Why do you think so?




  1. Before one can deal effectively with countries like this, one must understand two things.

    1.  What they are trying to accomplish.

    2.  The real life scenario that you "teach people how to treat  you"

    McCain, because he will not tolerate their 5hit!

    I think Obama has great intentions, but his methods have proven to be failures throughout history.

    See Clinton -- leaving Somalia with his tail between his legs.

    North Korea, making a "deal" with them while they were building secret nuke program.

    Carter -- after the Iranians took over our Embassy. President Carter actually sent them an apology letter, while they were expecting bombs.

    How did the above responses affect our enemies opinions of America.

    Above poster is incorrect, we DO have the military power to take on anyone if it comes to that, that is why it most likely will not come to that.

    The only problem we've had is that we've been to timid in unleashing the full power of our conventional armed forces.

    If Obama does what he proposes, which is slashing defense spending, you thereby reduce your bargaining chip and lessen the likelihood of a peaceful solution.

  2. Obama of course, he'll just fly Air Force One right over to each of the countries and tell them he wants them straighten up and they will!

  3. How can anyone honestly think Obama is the best solution? McCain has at least 50x the experience with each of these matters, and previous ones of similar nature, than Obama does. If military intervention were ever needed, McCain has over 20 years in the military, understands war, and would be a legit commander in chief.

    Obama will talk to them, but based on his ability to talk to the American people this far, I reckon he would make empty promises or say a bunch of great stuff and not have any idea or voice any plan to actually make those things happen.

  4. I would chose someone who has a plan and not just "speaks" of one. Personally after my gun rights are taken , my liberties are taken and Russian is raining down with nukes and china is invading on the borders and mexico is letting Iran in , I do not want to be looking at a guy standing out on the white house lawn holding hands with his followers singing "give peace a chance"

    My vote is for McCain I can protect myself , if need be. He and his VP have military experience. They would know how to move and govern troops to win and I don't have to give any of my rights away in the peace that will never happen .Obama is going to make us a door mat and worst off our high taxes will be paying for our so called freedom . that my Friend is unacceptable .  

  5. What you think you know would fit in a barrel, what you know would fit in a thimble.

    I am a transplanted American who lives in one of those countries and you do not know squat, except what you are spoon fed in the press.

    McCain will bring us more of the same

    Obama will bring us less of the same.




  6. I suspect you're hoping to hear the McCain is more experienced and militant speech.  But the truth is that each of these situations has to be dealt with in a different way.  You cannot solve every problem with bluster, especially when you don't have the military to back it up.  In some instances, negotiation can help, in some sanctions, and in some absolutely nothing can be done without starting WWIII.  I believe Obama has the broader view on the matter, rather than McCain's kneejerk military threat option.

  7. Obama says he'd love to sit down and have tea with all of these dangerous lunatics....

    Yea that's really going to work!

    Jimmy Carter all over again...

    (He was supposed to be the next messiah too)

  8. Obama.  

  9. I think Obama is better suited to handle the various threats you mention than is McCain, in large part because he seems better able to manage his temper, and also because he seems to realize the value of diplomacy as compared to militarism.  

    Nobody knows what's really going on in Iran.  It is possible that they are in fact trying to develop nuclear weapons, while it is also possible that they are trying to refine uranium to generate electricity so they can sell more of their oil.  I think diplomacy is a better route than confrontation, and I think that an executive who has lived among Muslims for part of his life is better suited to steer such diplomacy than one who has not.

    China is a threat to us because it holds so very much of our debt.  the man who would steer us back towards economic balance is the one I trust to lessen our dependence on Chinese capital.  I think that would be Obama.

    Russia might be better handled by someone like McCain, given our still pretty recent cold war history with them.

    North Korea won't be handled by a US president alone, as the Chinese and the South Koreans have voices in that situation as well.   I think Obama is the better suited for that kind of multilateral diplomacy.

    Venezuela doesn't have to be a problem.  Chavez isn't anti-American, he's anti-Bush.  He would likely also be anti-McCain due to the Senator's economic ideology, but I think someone like Obama could go a long way towards a mutually beneficial arrangement with Mr Chavez than could John McCain.

    You didn't mention Palestine, so I will.  Obama is better suited to help solve the longstanding troubles in the Mideast than is McCain.

  10. To even consider anything other than the McCain/Palin '08 ticket would not only be irrational but dangerous and possibly deadly as well.

  11. Since Obama has stated, that these countries do not represent a threat, then clearly the ONLY candidate who will meet the challenge is McCain.

    Obama has shown very poor judgment on everything from Iraq, to Georgia.

    Obama has been endorsed by the terrorists of Hamas.

    Obama is "friendly" with self admited terrorist Ayers.

    What could make anyone think that he can deal with a true crisis? Nothing!

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