
Which Candidate has better moral and spiritual standing?

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Comparing Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin tickets, which candidates have better moral and spiritual stance in this election?




  1. McCain/Palin

  2. Well, lets see:

    Obama: One successful marriage.

    Biden: One marriage ended by wife's death, successor marriage successful.

    McCain: Divorced 1st wife, married 2nd wife within weeks of divorce.

    Palin: One successful marriage, but abstinence-only s*x ed failed her 17 year old daughter.

    On living their stated Family Values, Obama & Biden well lead the hypocrites McCain & Palin.  

  3. Ron a write in!!

  4. You have valid points.   For one brief moment, I actually thought Ron Paul had a chance at being a viable candidate.

    I really don't want to vote for either Obama or McCain, all I'm trying to do at this point is decide which is the lesser of two evils.  

  5. Obama/Biden

  6. There is no way to tell unless you actually know them at that level.  We've seen countless times people seemingly portraying high moral and spiritual standing and then ending up in bathroom stalls looking for g*y s*x or hiring high price call girls on the Internet.

    You never know so it makes more sense to look at other, more relevant, qualities when deciding on a candidate.

  7. humm... morality and spiritual standing with regard to a politician? Is this like the ultimate oxymoron????

    Regardless of what ANY of them "CLAIM" to believe or stand for, I think none of them are trustworthy, honest or moral enough to even claim morality in most issues if we REALLY saw through to the truth of who they all were.  Otherwise, in my opinion, they would never have risen to the offices for which they have now attained in life.  

  8. McCain has a flawless voting record against abortion and he gets my moral vote for that.

  9. Obama/Biden. Spiritual Standing is non-issue.

  10. Let's look at the experience Obama brings to the table share we?

    Before he became a Senator, he was a lawyer.

    Sense he has been a Senator, he does done little else than run for President.

    So what are his qualifications? Running for office, that's it!  

  11. McCain/Palin.

  12. should that be caunted? i dont think so

  13. no-one running for office has any moral character, they are just part of the same pig-system that has existed for years. the moral/immoral and right/left games are both designed to keep sheep in line by giving them pre-selected paths to follow. if you dare break out you are automatically "unpatriotic" or "dangerous." to answer your question though, mccain certainly tries the hardest to appear moral...

  14. LOL it shouldn't matter... at all... america is not a theocracy

  15. none of them have any moral or spiritual standing. they all lie on national TV. maybe Palin less. because she is new on TV.

  16. If by "moral and spiritual standing" you actually mean "the ability to pander to religious conservatives", then McCain and Palin.

    EDIT:  Strong character is important, but religion is neither a necessary nor a sufficient condition to having strong character.

  17. What the h**l is a "moral and spiritual" stance?  Morals and spirituality are non physical things.  A stance is something physical.

    So, a moral or a spiritual stance is a contradiction in terms.

  18. Neither are very good.  

  19. Who cares? It doesn't have a d**n thing to do with their ability to govern.

  20. Hm..

    Neither seem to be all that great.

    I do not respect McCain.. (Adultery is not kosher in my book.)

    I do not respect Obama.. (Totally ditched his church when it was no longer politically expedient.)

  21. Miracle!! Miracle!!!   100% proof that God exists!

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