
Which Candidate is more out of touch the 7 homes holder or the Greek Temple god?

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Holy Marlarky! Which is Worse?

Does anyone else have a problem with these two candidates? One stumbles and the other stumbles worse! What do you think? Sincerely?




  1. Greek temple will top the mark.

    Not knowing how many homes you have is nothing.

    Getting a Greek Temple is just plain silly.

  2. i think mccain is a liar. hes going to be impeached just like GWB should of been.

  3. Apollo will smite you for your insolence mortal!

  4. You are comparing a Stage Prop  with millions of dollars  of homes?

    The millionaire hubby of course,

  5. John McCain.

    John McCain not only does not know how many houses he owns, but he also did not know what car he drives.

    On the day after he made the "houses" gaffe, he took a break from preparing his response by having his 9-car motorcade take him to StarBucks for an expensive cappuccino.

    He needed to look at a note card to know the price of milk.

    He was convinced that nobody would work in a lettuce field for a mere $50/hr.

    When asked where the cutoff between middle class and rich was, he said "5 millions dollars."

    He didn't know the difference between s**+'ite radicals and Al Qaeda.

    He referred to the long-gone country of Czechoslovakia in the PRESENT tense, saying that the long-gone Soviet Union had cut off their oil supply.

    The list goes on.  

  6. i think the republicans are angry because

    obama didn't choose a mosque

    the dems just laugh at mccain's alzheimers

  7. Clearly the "Greek Temple god."  The masses were brainwashed back then just like now.

  8. Hmm...I don't see how Obama is in any way similar to a Greek temple god!

  9. Great question. Obama is by far the worst.  McCain at least has age to blame, but Obama is young and doesn't know how many states there are, what city he's in, etc.  Plus, he acts like he's "poor" as a millionaire.  Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.  "You're rich!" "No, you're rich!"  They're all power-hungry, rich, corrupt politicians.  Who cares who has more houses?  Good for them.  They're successful.

    Yet another election when moronic voting or lack of voting in the primaries leaves us with the lesser of two evils in this evil two-party system.  People buy into the "front runner" garbage the media feeds them, and they vote for the select (corrupt) few who are politically connected (e.g. any Kennedy) just b/c they recognize the name.  Then we're left with a few mega-families controlling everything.  h**l, Ted Kennedy killed someone, yet he's celebrated as a hero of the Democratic party! How much more corrupt can they be?

  10. For the umpteenth time...there is absolutely nothing wrong with people being rich!  socialist bull is all that it is when people criticize the wealthy.  Why didn't they ask Kennedy how much money his family has?

    And to finally answer your question - the Greek Temple god is a thousand times worse.  Just remember "pride comes before a fall"..  The bigger they are, the harder they fall - and Mr. Obama is in for one nasty one.

  11. If there was a third we all would feel better but with 2 only 1 walks away> I like 7 house his wife owns> Not into temples>Or Greek>

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