
Which Cichlid and how many of each can i buy for my 20 gallon freshwater tank?

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Which Cichlid and how many of each can i buy for my 20 gallon freshwater tank?




  1. What country/lake of origin?  You know, just saying cichlid doesn't say much.  It can vary from as little as a single fish to as many as 6-10 (Shell dwellers)  Some, a 20 isn't even close to enough to keep a single, like an Oscar.  How about you narrow down what types interest you first before going into a wide list of fish from all different parts of the world.

  2. Almost every single cichlid are aggressive and should be kept alone. Perhaps, 20 gallons can only keep one cichlid, you can try green terror, they have orange color on their fins and blue scales. Jack dempsey is always a pretty fish to add into your aquarium, especially its blue color scales that attract people the most.

    I keep a flowerhorn, male grows a hump and female doesn't. Every flowerhorn has different color and pattern, you will be very excited to watch it grow. 20 gallon is enough for one flowerhorn although 30-55 gallons is recommended. If you have more than one flowerhorn in a tank, they will fight to death or you will see only one survive.

    In petstore they keep a full grown flowerhorn in a 2 gallons divided tank, they still surviving.

  3. Short and too the point.  20 Gallon is way to small for most chilids even the dwarf ones. It will be ok for a little while but it will be a death sentence if left in there. Blue rams are both color full and relatively peace full as far as chilids go. They are still chilids though (aggressive) and they need a bigger tank.  They have been put into community aquariums and been ok however 20 gallons is not enough. Stay away from Dempsey's and oscars because they get way too big ( 55 gallon minimum for 1 fish). If you have never had fish before as much as you would want a chilid they are not good fish to start with. They are very sensitive to light, temp, and water conditions. Good Luck.  

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