
Which Country's Military Force is the most battle-proven? Be Specific.

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Is it the Navy SEALs? The British SAS? The Israeli Defense Force? Brit Royals? U.S. Marines? U.S. Army? Australian SAS? Which country's individual Military entity has the most combat experience? The most success?

P.S. I'm not asking how hard they train. I asking what matters. Real life results. You can hump a pack a hundred miles or swim 25 kilos that doesn't matter when it comes down to how you perform in combat.




  1. the israeli commando and officers!!!

  2. you left out the USMC.

    we're pretty battle proven, no?

  3. The US wouldn't be the only global superpower remaining if it didn't have the best combat record in the world in all respects, Special Forces included.  The politics of losing wars aside, the combat effectiveness of US forces is unparalleled.  The global reach of these forces is also unmatched.  What the news or the DoD does not report are the numbers of enemy dead while engaged in a combat action.  Of the numbers they can know (the fog of war can be misleading), the combat effectiveness of American units is staggering – as sad as war is.  Even in Vietnam, for the lives we lost, the VC and NVA lost at least triple that, if not more.  Iraq was much more lop-sided, both times, but no one ever talks about that.  The US might not be good at everything (including politics), but one thing it is good at is conducting warfare.

    What other units can do these things?....

    - Orient itself from space, and navigate its weapons from satellites.

    - Control the air over a front with tactical air superiority to allow strike aircraft to dominate the battlespace unthreatened.

    - Assault beaches with overwhelming force with relative impunity anywhere in the world.

    - Steam-rolling enemy forces with battalions of advanced armor across harsh terrain while shooting on the move at night.

    - Replenish its fighting ships at sea on a ROUTINE basis – the US is alone in this capability.

    - Refuel its aircraft in flight as a part of ROUTINE operations.

    - Recon targets, assess enemy forces, and link force assets from high-altitude surveillance platforms.

    - Fly bombing missions from the continental US to the other side of the world and back in singular missions.

    - Operate unconventional Special Forces covertly anywhere in the world in large numbers (comparatively) simultaneously.

    - Park 60-70 strike aircraft off the coast of any nation and conduct daily warfare at will x 12 aircraft carriers in service, where possibly half to a third could be in theater at any one time -- let alone operate one aircraft carrier and its aircraft day or night, period.

    - Drop not only general purpose unguided weapons in mass, but laser-guided, GPS-guided, and IR-guided ordnance on enemy positions in eye-wateringly large quantities.

    - Employ its warplanes of all types at night and in bad weather – shocking that some countries can't even accomplish this and are limited to flying only during the day.

    - Support ground troops in contact with accurate overwhelming fire support on call from the air or mobile artillery.

    - Leap-frog large forces through the battle with fast-moving helicopters and organic helicopter close air support.

    - Launch nuclear weapons and cruise missiles from submarines, land masses, and airborne platforms.

    - Surveil, jam, and generally deny an adversary's use of the electromagnetic spectrum for communications, weapon guidance/targeting, or early warning at will across great distances.

    - Attempt to combine tactical intelligence, strategic intelligence, and human intelligence assets to actually prosecute a target of opportunity on the move.

    - Assess its own damage effectiveness real-time via human contact, tactical imaging, or satellite photography.

    - Aim a weapon and hit a target with a bullet, routinely.

    - Possess the skills, train to these skills, and consistently develop new skills across such a massive force structure to maintain the ability to accomplish all of the above as if it was easy.

    - Is actually trained to do ALL of these things tomorrow if necessary, vice two years from now.

    I'm not bragging, these are just the facts.  Even folks in the US military right now might grumble and moan because nothing is perfect, but when you sit back and look at the job we do – it's pretty darn amazing compared to the backward incompetence of our enemies.  Even if we sucked at landing jets on carriers or gathering covert intelligence, we still do it better than anyone else is the point.  It doesn't matter what facet of the US armed forces you mention, large or small components, they all have the most combat experience, the best training, the best technological advantages, and they live on the cutting edge of tactical employment techniques.  If I were an enemy of the US, I'd be very afraid to go up against the monster because failure is only a matter of time.  At least that is the state of affairs currently.  The only people who aren't afraid are fish in a barrel and they don't even know it.

  4. The China liberty people's ARMY!  

  5. the united states marine corps has been involved in every U.S. conflict since 1775.  sounds like combat proven to me.  the only time we quit is when they are all dead or congress makes us. Semper Fi.

  6. US Marines and US Army. They are involved in the most conflicts worldwide.  

  7. The Israeli Commando!!!!!! They have been fighting in harsh conditions for over 60 years.

  8. Hm Currently it is the US military, but overall it is a close one between US and Israel. Both are battle-tested and approved.

  9. I would say Army.

    Not just because I am in it but the numbers are far superior than any other branch the U.S. has they are known throughout the world and have fought on many lands.

    I think the Marines are equal just not in numbers but 1 of them can make up 10 of our Army personell, they are always the first one's in and the last ones out, my utter most respect for them. I was under the 2nd MEF in Iraq and they are the ultimate warriors.

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