
Which Country did the very first Humans live in?

by Guest34003  |  earlier

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Which Country did the very first Humans live in?




  1. the first humans did not live in a country, because countries where not there. Countries are invented some 3000-5000 years BC. Science tells early humans lived in Africa (which is not a country but a continent)

  2. Africa

  3. That depends what you want to believe. According to the Bible, it would be between the Euphrates and the Tigris river which would be somewhere in Iraq.

    On the other hand, scientific evidence points to somewhere in africa.

  4. Not one specific country. Before the world split up into the 7 continents, there was just one big super continent called, Pangea, which separated into two called Pangea and Panthalassa. Then, thanks to plate techtonics (which is the moving/diverging of plates under the earth) land mass was split up into the seven continents that we have today. So, they just lived around the huge mass lol

  5. according to the religion its somewhere in Iraq

    according to science its somewhere in Ethiopia

  6. There is a recent debate that the actual "Garden of Eden" was between Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Using the bible as a guide, Archaeologists have forever searched for the meeting of the four rivers mentioned (Tigris, Euphrates, Pison and Gihon), only to be disappointed in attempts to find the latter two.  However, with the open use of high-resolution satellite photography, they have discovered what they believe are  the two rivers in the Persian Gulf.

  7. GothBeauty32 is wrong, and I hate saying that.  Man did not come into being until long after Pangea was separated into the 7 continents.  Man first came into existence, scientists believe, around modern day Kenya.  But at the time of mans first existence there were no countries.  So the very first humans did not live in countries, they lived one with nature.

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