
Which Crystal or Quartz is lucky? Thank you?

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Which Crystal or Quartz is lucky? Thank you?




  1. Any one that you want, as that stuff is all just made up garbage anyway.

    However, I will give you an interesting tidbit. The birthstones come from the book of revelations in the Bible. Not many people know that.

  2. From experience and knowledge...Citrine and Jade...

  3. Here is a partial list of their meanings.  Its pretty acurate as well.

    1) All stones or gems have magnetic powers in varying degrees, and many of them are beneficial to us for their therapeutic cures.

    2) They emit vibrations and frequencies which have strong potential influence on our whole being.

    3) They create strong energy fields which enable us to be charged with their energies.

    4) The gems are used for healing, transforming, balancing, and attuning the body, mind and soul.

    5) They are a manifestation of vibrancy, light and color, life, textures, transparency and clarity.

    6) They activate our abilities, soothe and comfort, heal and balance through the purity of their rays.

    7) The patterns in the stones reveal to us the changes that keep taking place, indicating that life is change – that the process of evolution is a cosmic law.

    8) Each gem, tuned to a particular ray, has a special role to play.

    9) The gems can be cleaned by leaving them under running water for six to eight hours. Or, bury them in some earth overnight, and rinse them off. Or, keep the stone in the flame of a candle until the candle melts. Or still, place the stone amongst a heap of quartz for several days, whereby its energy is revived from the contact of the quartz.

    10) The gem that is cleaned should be placed in direct sunlight, for the sun is a great source of energy and purification.

    11) The more precious stones that you wear, the more strongly will you be charged with cosmic forces, radiating out into your surroundings.

    12) Wear your stones – Do not store them in a safe or jewelry box, for you will be depriving your body of their tremendous power.

    13) Precious stones have a way of healing emotions that have been inharmonious.

    14) The stones selected for use should always be in contact with one’s body to absorb their healing properties.

  4. None are. They are just crystalline rocks and they have no special powers, aside from being good oscillators in electronic circuits.They have no "magnetic powers", they do not produce "vibrations" or frequencies unless excited by an electric voltage, they don't radiate any mysterious energy or emit "rays", they don't attract "cosmic forces", and they don't impart any fortune upon anybody. They are just rocks.  Some people have mystical ideas about crystals like the ones listed above, but our scientific knowledge of these materials does not reveal any such magical properties.

    Luck favors the prepared. :)

  5. ..Ruby.

  6. Good luck charms aren't magical.  The only power they have is that which you decide to attribute to them.  That is to say, they have no special powers, just *perceived* power.  They don't do anything themselves.  They do not influence events.  The most they can do for you is to offer you an object on which to focus your concentration in a moment of quiet reflection.

    There is no special power, special vibration or cosmic energy associated with crystals.  Any claim to the contrary is New Age mumbo-jumbo.

  7. Even though Crystals and Quartz are certainly beautiful to look at, it is what you believe in them that makes them worth what you already had inside.  So there's no realy "luck" or anything associated with them just the power for you to believe what is already true.

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