
Which Cusp Combo complement the two signs very well?

by  |  earlier

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For example: Aries/ Taurus, Taurus /Gemini, Gemini/ Cancer,..etc.

ie.. Scorpio/ Sagittarius- deep, intense, emotional...while fun loving, friendly, and blunt.

If you don't want to answer this, because you don't believe in a cusp...then tell my why? =)




  1. i'm a scorpio/sag cusp :D nov 20th

    but i just say i'm a scorpio usually, because well a lot of people don't know what cusps are

    but of course i'd say mine :P:P because well it's me duhh

    i kiddd i kidd

    but yeah i don't really read any other horoscopes stuff other then scorpio/sag so i wouldn't know

    and yes any cusp sign with gemini would be amazing loll

  2. Aquarius/Pisces-emotional water signs

    Cancer/Leo-loyal romantics


  3. Taurus / Gemini & Gemini / Cancer because they both have some gemini traits ;D and we rock hehehe

    YES! Lets get some TDs

  4. Libra/Scorpio because both these signs blended together is just amazing.  You can be quite diplomatic and charming while being emotionally deep and intense.   Wonderful combo!

  5. Hello Arch:-D

    The sun can only be in one sign at a time. When people say they "feel" like a cusp sign, it's typically because they have placements of personal planets (such as mercury and venus, which don't stray far from the sun) or other objects (I've seen angles on more than one occasion)  in the sign which they feel they may also be. You need also to consider the proximity of the objects being considered, as I think this is also a factor in those who espouse "cusp signs". Suppose for example that an individual were born within the first few days of a particular sign, and that their mercury for example were in the later degrees of the previous sign, forming a conjunction with the individual's sun. This individual would find it difficult to separate their thought processes with the expression of their sun sign individuality, causing the person in question to feel as though they were in fact "both" signs, when in fact it's really a case of sun in one sign, mercury in the other, just working and expressing themselves as one. I am of the opinion that if you look at the chart closely enough, there is always a valid and (IMO) far more technically accurate means of explaining these seemingly dual-signed influences in the individual's personality, and that it's also maybe a little bit lazy to lean on the "oh, well you're a cusp sign" explanation. Just my opinion. Not meaning to rain on anyone's cusp sign parade.

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