
Which DNA is Dominant?

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I was query about whether my daughter's DNA is dominantly my husband's or mine...any genetics wiz out there? Appreciate the response...




  1. First of all, the word "dominant" has a specific meaning in genetics, but I don't think that that's what you mean here.

    But your kid has half her DNA from you, and half from her father.  Almost all of it is identical between you two, and in fact, would be identical between all humans, and a lot of it is identical to bacteria.

    But there are, of course, plenty of places where the DNA sequence you gave her is different from the sequence that your husband gave her.

    But depending on the sequence, sometimes one sequence can mask the presence of the other, or sometimes you can see both sequences being expressed together. It's different for every gene, and every version of that gene that a person could have.

  2. Actually, talking abuout nuclear DNA, your daughter's DNA has equal amounts from you and your husband. Half of the chromosomes (23) come from your husband and the other half (23) come from you, which makes the final total of 46 chromosomes.

    The pairing of both sets of chromosomes produces either a homozygous dominant gene, homozygous recessive gene, or a heterozygous gene.

    But there is anther type of circular DNA in the mitochondria that comes directly from the mother, which is called mitochondrial DNA. This DNA has the genes important for cellular respiration and other has other genes which I am not aware of at this time. You can use this DNA to map out a maternal lineage because this DNA only comes form the mother. See website for some more information:

    good luck.

  3. You're daughter's DNA is half yours half your husbands. There are 10s of thousands of genes. Which ever allele is dominant depends on the gene. For example, if you have blonde hair, which is a recessive allele, and your husband has dark hair, the dominant allele. Your daughter has two possibilities for hair color. If your husband has two dark hair genes, then he will give your daughter a dark hair allele 100% of the time. Since that gene is dominant your daughter will have dark hair 100% of the time. If your husband only has one dark hair allele then he will give it to your daughter only 50% of the time, so combine with the 100% you will give your daughter a blonde gene, your daughter has a 50% chance of getting blonde hair.

  4. Your daughter has exactly 1/2 from each of you but it is expressed differently.  How genes are expressed is complex but one way is by who happens to have the dominant genes.  The odds are that dominance will be about 50% from each parent where the genes are different.  A male child gets the y-chromosome from the father so it might have a slight bit more influence from the father's side.  With a daughter, both parents contribute X-chromosomes.
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