
Which Degree Should I do?

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I'm going to uni at my home town of Bournemouth in a couple of weeks to study computers but I am stuck on degree to do. I have a choice of software engineering or Artificial Intelligence, both BSc hons (undergraduate). What I'm looking at is how interesting each one is and their career prospects, that kind of thing. Your thoughts please....




  1. Both will be pretty similar, depends on what you want to do for work.

    AI / cognative science is facinating & will open more doors for you in the web development world - information architecture, uability etc.

  2. Hey friend,

          Have you considered doing something less specialized e.g computing or computer science which will give you a broader knowledge base i.e sampling out most fields in computing and you can later specialize,in your final year(be it AI or software engineering etc) ? Since you don't seem sure of which course to go for and presumably do not have any experience in the mentioned fields you could look in to something more flexible so as to keep your options open.Furthermore,such a course will enable you to be more versatile and add variety to your career options.

       It is very common for students to commit themselves to a particular course only to find out it is not what they thought it would be,and end up changing courses or dropping out.Also when looking into a potential course make sure you look closely at the modules in the programme as these courses vary in content(diffrent institutions) even though they may share the same name.

           Good luck in your studies and feel free to hit me up if you need any more assistance.


  3. I did a Computer Science Degree, which had several elements of AI within it (in fact there was a joint hons degree Computer Science with AI).

    Software engineering will almost definately give you career options in development, they're always in demand. what's bournemouth like for AI? Is it known for it? I went to Royal Holloway which has a centre for Artificial Intelligence (in fact if you fancy studying further away, the course was quite good).

    From a pure AI perspective I'd say it's a much smaller field, and one of the things with AI is that (the ones I studied anyway) weren't that far progressed, so it's probably more of a research field then anything (meaning a PhD would be a good option). I've scome across more things like Data Analytics, which the sort of AI I learnt could help with, this could be a field to look into?

    I think it depends what you want to study and where you want to go? In my opinion (for what it's worth) a computer science course with AI modules would be a good route though, as it gives you lots of scope.for future work.

  4. You can usually change your course title in your second year. Also you may find there is so much overlap that all computing students attend the same classes in their first year.

    Why not wait until you have been at uni a year and then decide which course you prefer?

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