
Which Dickens book featured Miss Haveashag?

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Which Dickens book featured Miss Haveashag?




  1. Great Expections

  2. Sorry Doreen, I'm not that well versed on Dickers

    maybe Tale of two Titties?

  3. Great Erections.

  4. the bi-curiosity shop

  5. Great Expectations, Miss Haversham, had them, but didn't get any as I recall!

  6. "A Christmas Carol 2:  The Search for Austin Powers"

  7. Great Masturbations!

  8. Trying to think of some d**k-INS books.

  9. Havisham - Great Expectations

  10. lol it actually took a second for the penny to drop.

  11. it was miss havisham form great expectations! that is one boring book!! i had to read it!  

  12. The same one with Pip the p***s in it.

  13. It's HaveRSHAM, and it's "Great Expectations."

  14. i think its miss haversham and that would be great expectations.

  15. Great Expectations!! She's the spinster who takes Pip in. Then she dies.

    I love Dickens, by the way. And it's Havisham.

  16. its havisham, and it was great expectations.. i hate that stupid book!  

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