
Which Digital Camera is better Canon, Nikon or Sony?

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I am looking at the Canon Rebel XSI, Nikon D60 and the Sony Alpha 350. I have always used sony's point and shoot and have been really happy with Sony but I am ready to move up to a big girl camera. I need one that is user friendly but it must be able to take clear action shots like players in a soccer game and clear picture's of close up shots like flowers and words on a plaque. Can anyone recommend the best one out of these to do what I need to do? I am also open to other camera's or models.




  1. I would go with canon i Have one and it works fine. i have had it for 2 years and there is nothing wrong with it.

  2. Sony is the best.

    i have one and its awesome

  3. the best is  sony

    and u should get that

  4. Sony is always better

  5. i used to really like canon, but this past year i've come to really like the nikon cameras! im not sure why i randomly switched over lol...but i think you should go with the nikon D60. i have that one and i can take AH-MAZING shots with it. im 15 and i loooove photography. i take tons of pics of flowers, usually very close up =] (my specialty). and i also love landscape pics. they always come out really nice. nice colors, exposure, easy enough to use. really cool!

    i promise you will fall in love with this camera! im sure the canon rebel is another nice choice, but i have recently fallen in love with nikon lol sooooo....go with nikon. oh and sony isnt really that great anymore in my opinion


    p.s. and yes it takes nice action shots as well! its great alloverrrr!!! but i mainly use it for close ups....water droplets on leaves come out so clear!

  6. CANON XSi, The best out of the cameras overall

    Nikon D60, No negs, Better than the D80 for less the price

    Sont A350, Not work the price, Shutter response is too slow.

  7. sony the best thats what i got

  8. This is actually easy as I work with both Sony and Nikon.

    Nikon is absolutely the best camera as far as optics...Nikon is an optics specialest.

    Sony is an electronics company.

    So, if you want high quality pictures and are willing to put up with the fact that it isn't the easiest to use, Nikon is the best.

    If you want an easy, user friendly camera (Sony is better at software) then Sony is your best option.

    I say Sony because most of us aren't professional photographers, and can use all the help we can get.

    If you are a professional though, Nikon is the top of the line.

    Every day picture taker=SONY


  9. My sony camera broke when i had one, maybe i just go the bad one. I think cannon takes good pictures though. The one i have now is a Nikon and some of the picture are fuzzy. My friends Cannon is exclent.

  10. you can't go wrong with a well respected brand like sony.  canon isn't bad either.

  11. sony cameras suck.

    in my opinion, nikon is one of the best.

  12. canon is the best of the best

  13. The Nikon D60.  We have one and I would say that without the cues in your question.  Get the Nikkor 70 - 300 lens, beautiful.

  14. gte a disposal at tha 99 cents store

  15. Seriously, go with the D40! If you get the D40 from Amazon, it is only $450, with a 18-55mm lens (an excellent kit lens), and because it is so cheap, it would give you some extra cash to buy lenses, flashes, etc. See:

    The D40 is exactly like the D60, except less pixels, which wouldnt matter unless you are a professional and are making HUGE prints.

    The D40 is a great camera to start with. Go for it!

    One thing about the D40 to keep in mind, is that if you are used to the second lcd screen on top, (for aperture, shutter speed settings, etc.) than not having it on the D40 could be quite annoying, if you are not used to using that screen, than I do not believe it would be a big problem not to have it.

    Secondly, Some cameras (such as the Nikon D80) have a motor built in the camera, so it can auto-focus with any lens, where as the D40 does not have a motor inside it, so it is limited to Nikon AF-S and AF-I lenses. This should not be a big problem unless you already have some lenses (that are not AF-S or AF-I) that you want to auto-focus with the D40. If you do not, than stick to buying from Nikon's large collection of AF-S and AF-I lenses. Note that the Nikon D40 can still operate other lenses, just you will have to manual focus.

    Lastly, go to a camera store, such as Best Buy or Henerys. Both of those stores will let you handle the cameras, and test them out. Note: Henery's is much more knowledgeable about cameras, go there if you have lots of questions.

    Any other questions, feel free to send me a message.


  16. Canon takes pictures with a better colour focus, Nikon is well known for it's lens and I've had bad experiences with sony so I won't go for that. I've a Nokin D60 but to tell you the truth, it doesn't zoom in that is fine for scenery photograpy, portrait and action. But I do recomend Nikon D60 to you. It's a camera worth the price & has great shortcuts to good photos.

  17. I would go with Canon's. Their digital SLRs have a solid reputation.

    this site is useful.

  18. Sony will never dissapoint.  Trust me I have had D. Cameras since they first came out, and everytime I bought anything other than a Sony I was Dissapointed, because of fuzzy picture quality, or indoor shots came out too dark, or because they were too slow in between shots....  Sony never let me down.  If you buy anything else keep your reciept b/c you will probably be taking it back.

  19. sony sucks in my opinion, they've lived in their glory for far too long and are now just like the "rest"....personally I love my Canon Eos XTi...but i've used my dad's nikon and i like that too...personally I would get the Canon, but Nikon is always a good second.....I think I'd rather get the Olympus or Pentax before I touched a Sony DSLR though....

  20. I think you should try all of them out but keep the receit in case you  need to return it

  21. canon takes really good pictures but sony is more durable

  22. ummm idk cause i don't have those cameras but i have the GE 7.0 MEGAPIXEL A735 camera thats a good camera

  23. i really like canon i have never really had a promble with them and most people i know have a canon and they love it

  24. sony=]

  25. do not know

  26. Canon has always done good by me

  27. Hm... I have always liked Nikon. Although, Canon is really good too. There is also another really good camera called the Fujifilm's really really good at taking clear shots and great close ups! It can go up to 1 cm for close up shots and the plus is that it is extrememly cheap!

  28. Nikon and Canon used to use minolta lenses so they were basically the same.  Nikon was at an advantage over Canon for several years but now that Canon makes it own lenses the quality has surpassed that of Nikon.  Canon is rates higher overall with the quality of its lenses.

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