
Which Do You Relate more to? your sun, moon, or rising?

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personally speaking, which do you feel more of??

and why?




  1. I act more like my Sun sign Scorpio (which is also my Rising).

    Why? because I can be just a evil as I am sweet (the extremes of a Scorpio) moodiness don't come without deep reason. I can be passionate, loyal, and very good at keeping secrets.

  2. My Rising Sign

  3. Most likely, it is my sun sign as I realize I portray all the typical characteristics of a Scorpio, but my moon sign, Pisces, kinda makes my edge more subtle. However, my rising sign is Aries and I can jump into things without thinking at

  4. Virgo rising becuz I think before I do anything.

    I like Virgo people. Virgo is virgin and I am virgin! lol

    My Virgo rising has me attracted to Virgo women.

  5. I relate the best with that pluto in the first house in libra,and my moon trine ascendant too because i can be very sensitive and moody at times.

  6. i say Sun but a lot has to do with my moon,mostly sun tho because im very short tempered,im aggressive,but i can be nice.

  7. I relate tome rising in the morning and going to work. So yeah, I relate more to my rising sign and my alarm clock. LOL

  8. Well, my moon is my rising.

    I think I relate a lot more to those two than to my Sun. I'm more freedom-loving, and enthusiastic than the typical Virgo.

  9. rising and moon mostly

  10. Hi Shady

    Love your necktie. I defintely have strong Virgo. Sun, mercury, Mars and Pluto in 10th house Virgo. I have Scorpio rising with neptune trine Moon and 10th.

    But, I relate to that Virgo sickening analytical sign. Kidding aside, I can't seem to give a one-liner as answer no matter how hard I try. So Sun, it is.

  11. I relate to my Aquarius sun sign more than my leo moon or gemini rising. I'm unpredictable, a rebal, friendly,frank, and see the world in a detached intellectual way. But at the same time I feel deeply, can be intense, have a strong s*x drive, a go getter, and if you anger me my temper is beyond bad but maybe that's due to my scorpion mars.

  12. Sun...

    I was exactly thinking of how much the Sag moon is affecting me at times,since I always feel that I need a lot of freedom and that I got to go and discover the world with someone.

    So I basically relate to them all,with my Aquarius rising,but the most to my sun in Leo and Sag moon,these are so true an accurate about me.

    What about you? o.O

  13. That is a bit of a tough one for me to answer since my rising, sun and moon are all earth signs.

    Have three planets in Capricorn- Sun Moon Mercury

    and three planets in Virgo- Jupiter, Uranus & Pluto, as well as my Rising and Pars Fortune

    I would say that I relate to them equally- I am a procrastinating perfectionist, my home is a mess but I know where everything is.

    I am a dependable employee, will show up on time everyday, will stay late if needed. I like to make money, but I also like art and use my art to make more money. I'm not the social climber that Capi's are seen to be, nor am I the stereotypical anal type virgo.

    I'm very easy going and down to earth.

  14. I don't think I can really pick one over the other. Actually, I'd say that I feel them at different times. With my Sun and Rising being the same, there's not much to hide behind. I feel my Moon particularly in relationships and with those that are close to me. I would say that I actually relate much more to my aspects than the signs themselves. I especially feel the aspects between my Sun/Moon/Rising and Mars.

    Libra Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Libra Rising

  15. Sun sign cancer, I am blessed with many good family and friends. These are the things that enriches my life. Plus I have a son, I feel that this is the most intense feeling in my life. Some people don't have good family and friends at all, and I see the causes and reason for that. (Some people go through life with these negative energy and thoughts, like a burden...and they wonder why they don't have friends)

  16. Both my Pisces Sun and Virgo Moon.

    I love balancing flash and substance. I always thought that I should be Gemini instead of Pisces before I knew about my Virgo Moon. It's because I possess a dual nature. I'm in between artistic and analytical.

  17. I can honestly say that there's an even mix of all of those. Aquarius Sun causes me to be lost in my thoughts, somewhat emotionally aloof, a little bit weird, and goofy as h**l. Gemini Rising is what causes my "random" moments and also makes me run my mouth. Virgo Moon makes me worry my @ss off over the stupidest things. I'm definitely NOT a neat freak though. I have what are known as organized messes, meaning only I know where everything in the clutter

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