
Which ERA you like the best ?

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Attitude Era

Classic 80's Era

Age of orton Era or Evolution Era

PG Era A.K.A John cena Era/JBL is poopy Era

also which wrestler you would to see come back in the wwe




  1. the time that the nWo took over WCW.

    2 sweeeet!

  2. I miss the days of music videos and slammy awards, and when there was only 4ppvs they seemed more special guess cause more time to hype, wrestling seemed more entertaining then  

    and wish R.V.D came back

  3. Attitude Era

    Jbl Is poopy just appitimizes How John Cena Has ruined the wwe for good ... smackdown is awsome now (cos hes not there), And raw is for little kiddys

    WQ - The Rock, Bobby Lashley and RVD

  4. attitude

    sadly it died


















  5. Attitude Era and Mcmahon and Helmsley Era

    Chyna !!

  6. The Attitude Era by far. I would like to see Bret Hart have one more match. I miss Mr. Perfect! R.I.P

  7. Attitude era!

    Wow, hard question....Ric flair, the rock, stone cold, goldberg, owen & bret hart....there are just too many to name!  

  8. The best years of WWE were 1985-1994. The Golden Age Era was the most successful time for WWE. They had Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, and The Macho Man Randy Savage, the three greatest professional wrestlers of all time. To answer your question, I'd love to see a lot of wrestlers come back to WWE. Hulk Hogan, The Macho Man Randy Savage, Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Goldberg, The Ultimate Warrior, Bret the hitman Hart, The American Dream Dusty Rhodes, Booker T, Scott Hall as Razor Ramon, Kevin Nash as Diesel, Scott Steiner, Lex Luger, Terry Funk, Mick Foley, Vader, Diamond Dallas Page, Kurt Angle, Jake the snake Roberts, Ron Simmons (as a full-time competitor), X-Pac, and many more.  

  9. The Attitude Era was awesome they were the crossing the line every night and it made for compelling television. Not only that the wrestling was actually good not the boring snoozefests you get nowdays.

    The Rock he needs to come back to make things interesting again.

  10. Attitude Era

    The 80s Era was called Golden Age Era

  11. Attitude.

    Rock or Bret Hart

  12. Attitude Era

    Stone Cold, but the condition of his back and knees would make it very short-lived.

  13. The 80's introduced me to the world of WWF hoagies

    Attitude Era/NWO Era revolutionized The Hoagie Industry

    Evolution Era was cool and hoagified

    Age of Orthoagie was kind of shortlived

    PG Era is just taking shape, but is unpredicatble and cool as the inside of a hoagie

    My choice?  The Attihoagietude Era/NWhOagie

    Come back for me?  The Rock.  Cool butt hoagie!

  14. The 80's NWA Era

  15. The Attitude Era by far.

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