
Which EU countries contain the highest percentage of motorists that are disrespectful of national road laws?

by Guest66947  |  earlier

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Which EU countries contain the highest percentage of motorists that are disrespectful of national road laws?




  1. Based on recent experiences I would have to say my fellow countrymen here in the United Kindom....Sadly

  2. Italians are fairly mad.  I am from the Uk but visit family out there and Italians are crazy drivers.

    My family bomb along hazardous mountain roads.

    I see people park in the middle of the road with their hazard lights on and drink driving is common

  3. Having lived in Bulgaria for 3 years I have to say this country takes some beating. I live near to a very straight road, duel carriage way and cars and trucks bomb along at 80 mph plus, overtaking on either side using their mobile phones, There is even a guy on a motor bike who if often seen doing "wheelies" at over 70 mph !!

  4. the italiian treat road signs as suggestions, that cn be a good or bad thing, but the most obnoxious drivers i've came across are the french!

  5. From all that I have read I would say that it would be Italy...................

  6. italy



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