
Which Economist's Theories Best Resolve Issues?

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Which of the following economist's theories would best resolve world conflict? (the conflict being within the last 50 years)

-Adam Smith

-David Ricardo

-John Nash

-Ronald Regan

-Karl Marx

-Thomas Malthus

-Paul A Baran

-Eugene Slutsky

-Gary Becker




  1. You forgot the most important person of the 20th Century..  

    Frederick Von Hayek

  2. Paul Baran Lol, his neo marxism theorie, has some influence  in underdeveloped countries, Latin america is an example, the capitalism as we know( neoliberalism concept ), is increasingly despised, so that tends to be inhumane, privatizations, the destruction of domestic economies of each country, exaggerated import of consumer goods from developed countries, has forced radical changes, they are fighting for sovereignty in economic sectors as the primary (agriculture and livestock), and that is what has pushed to new leaders, emerging as a way of dealing with a negative economic trend, where  the defenders of the classical theory (David Ricardo, Adam Smith) or neo Classical (Alfred Marshall) with the approach of John Maynard Keynes, and  monetarists(Milton Friedman the main example) have been strongly attacked, by a new generation of politicians and  economists. The marxism "per se"(itself) does not have a radical influence in  underdeveloped countries, but, have a lot followers, allowing them to apply more humane standards in certain economic criteria. The great battle is against the poverty and cruel capitalism.

    pd: Ronald Reagan! Are you kidding?

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