
Which Epiphone G-400 should I buy?

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OK I've decided that I'm going to get a new electric guitar. I already own an epiphone lespaul standard, and I decided that I'm gonna get an Epi SG G-400 guitar. I'm not getting the EMG pickups one because I believe they are not necessary because I'm only 14 and just looking for a good guitar to play at parties with. Yes I know that my epi lp standard is probably better than the G-400. Ok here are my choices:

Alpine White $299

Cherry or brown $299

Also I noticed these are both $299

Epiphone Limited Edition 1966 G-400 Electric Guitar

And Epiphone Vintage G-400 Electric Guitar

What is the diff between vintage and limited edition?




  1. Epiphones are sweet:3 get the limited edition, cause you'll get more or your money. The diff between vin. and lim. is:

    vintage-old style. retro.

    limited edition-new, rare, in stock or short time.

    hope I helped!!!:3

  2. It's pretty clear what the difference is between Vintage and limited edition. Vintage is older, and probably better sounding. Get the vintage, it'll be better than the Les Paul you have. It's worth $349 because it's vintage. Just how a VOS Slash Les Paul is worth $1,000 (I think that's right) more than the USA Slash. You're better off with vintage though.

  3. neither save your money and get a better guitar.

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