
Which Estate held the most land during the French Revolution?

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1st Estate=Clergy/Church

2nd Estate=Bourgeoisie

3rd Estate=Peasants/Professionals




  1. Your question is meaningless, as the 1st estate was Nobility, Church the second, and the bourgeois and professional were lumped into the third with the peasants and anybody who did not belong to the other two.

    While I can't be 100% sure, I have a fair guess that at the time, the Church held more land than either of the other two categories, as, unlike the nobles, they were not prone to selling their estates, and unlike commoners, they were not liable to have them seized if they committed crimes or got in trouble with the taxman.

  2. Nr.3

    During the revolution all the land from the nobles(church where nobles) where devidad in sectors.By the so called gouverment and give to the farmers.Because their was  hunger and no food.Afther the revolution most of that land was taken back and came in the hands of the gouverment,like it is now!church and nobles own now onley 10% of land ,farmers 60% and 30% is state properthy.

  3. I would say the King held the most land?

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