
Which European country do you think would be the best for a bright high school student to learn in?

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I am a 16 year old with Cerebral Palsy and I'm contemplating doing a foreign exchange. Though I am in regular and honors classes, I require an aide to transfer my books and laptop to different classes and for dictation. I know a little German and Italian, so I figured if any of those countries have decent programs, I would go there. It is really important to me that that country's society can understand that I can learn. What do you think? Thanks!




  1. I would say Germany, Switzerland, or Amsterdam (the Netherlands) This is because of my casual observations while traveling. I may be wrong, but these countries seemed more progressive in terms of accessibility. Italy is wonderful, though; and nothing should stop you from following your dreams.

  2. London, England!


  4. Go to Italy

  5. any where is open just do more research here is a website

  6. I would say Sweden, but if you don't know the language, that's not an option.  I would say Italy because they were at the center of the Renaissance.

  7. London or Rome

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