
Which Foregin country will be least expensive and best to Learn Martial arts?

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i want to learn taekwondo or karate or kick boxing

please give me information about countries which are least expensive

and information for hostel facilities also

any personal expierence?

if i want to learn kungfu,kick boxing taekwondo in korea,kick boxing in thailand.

please give me information of hostel faclilites and total expenses and name of dojo

regerding karate also,give me information please of japan?

if you know any good club for taekwondo in korea?




  1. its really cheap to train in thailand you can eat for like 5 a month and you can live at the gym while you train every thing over there is really cheap its just the plane ticket that could get expensive but you could go to a get an estimate check out this website i had even seen some other sites that offered prices and everything but good luck

  2. Sayaw ng Kamatayan or Yaw-Yan (Dance of death) in the Philippines.

    About USD40 or Php1500 per 3 sessions.

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