
Which Forex Trading Book Or Simulation Course Teaches Trading Strategies The Best?

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Which Forex Trading Book Or Simulation Course Teaches Trading Strategies The Best?




  1. A short and straight answer:


    There is NO Forex Trading Book or Simulation Course that teaches the best trading strategies.

    I’m sorry, but this is the truth, believe me, I have seen this for last 5 years. Trading education is NOT a pill/tablet, which you can purchase from the online shops and pop in, and you would know everything.

    It is a gradual learning procedure that takes time and along with experience, you will be a good trader. Just remember this:

    -> Do NOT try to know everything overnight, take your time.

    -> Do NOT try to become millionaire overnight, do it with time and patience. Bcoz most traders go bust since they try to become rich overnight.

    -> NO trading strategy is PERFECT – at one point of time or other, ALL trading strategies would have a losing series. So, be careful if anyone is trying to sell you a PERFECT system, which never loose – it’s a lie.

    The best advice I can give you is, that you can gain a lot of knowledge for free if you can use Google.

    Moreover, you can refer to few good courses, if you would like. They are:



    Bill Poulos is a good mentor and his courses are reliable.

    Few courses, which are not so good but ‘ok’ to learn few trading strategies:

    The best place to start your learning is here:

    Just look at the articles which hey provide for free (it’s on the left column on their website)

    Few books for help:

    For more information, you can view this website:

    NOTE: I am NOT promoting anybody here and what ever I have written here is good and hold true – the more experienced would realize this.

  2. My Top 3 Forex Trading book(s)

    * 'Forex Made Easy' - James D.

    * 'Forex Revolution' - Peter Rosenstreich

    * 'New Trading Dimensions' - Bill M Williams

    Combine these with an online forex trading platform like Forex Tracer and you're good to go. Start small, be realistic and have a monetary goal. Of course, a level of experience and mentoring is critical as well to your success.

    Know that forex trading is risky but is also very profitable. Nothing ventured nothing gained. It's easy to get started with a demo account that 'simulates' real world forex trading, so you can learn the ropes from there and move on to actual trading. It's really not as hard as you think.

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