
Which French Fries do you prefer? McDonald's or Wendy's biggie fries?

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In my opinion, I think Wendy's fries are the best.

I don't like Burger King fries.

But best burger has to go to Whataburger or the Whopper.




  1. I prefer Wendy's fries.

    I like BKs fries dude.  They are good.

  2. I prefer Pizza Hut fries... they're nice!

    But I guess Pizza Hut wasnt an option.. I'll just go with McDonalds because I like the milkshake there! Goes well with the chips! =D

    I think the best burger is the burger from my local chip shop but you wouldnt know where that is i guess! xD

  3. I don't mind both...but i recently tried Wendy's...and i kinda think...their fries are better somehow..

  4. Wendy's.

  5. McDonald's fries all the way for me. It tastes more synthetic. lol. kidding.

  6. wendy's, Mc.donalds is so yuck

  7. I think Wendy's have the best fries, and chicken mick-nuggets.

  8. I lkie McDonalds & the best Burger is The Frost Top..

  9. Back before i cared what i put in my body,   i use to love the wendy ones, they had more crunch to them without being all grease even then,  the Mc donalds ones seem to be too greasy and way too salty,

    but now... i have not had more than an occasional one out of the package, in years, LOL  

    so maybe they have changed the receipe,  or how they prepare them, but i bet not....

    good luck ;)  

  10. Wendy's

  11. McDonalds! I second your distaste of BK fries! Yuck! I dont know too much about Wendy's cause I just stick to Mickey D's.

  12. McDonalds are really good hot... once they get cold or you reheat them, they taste really gross.

    Wendys is...alright hot or kinda cool.

    Soo. Wendys.

  13. We think alike.

    Wendy's fries and the Whopper....yum yum!

    Due to health reasons, I can't eat a heap of Fast Food Take-Away stuff but I manage to sneak at least 1 Whopper in every month.

    My kids love Maccas (everything) but I stick to the fries only.......well, I might have a Strawberry Sundae too....shhhhhhhhhhh

    As for Maccas Burgers? Too rubbery and they never EVER look like they do on the Advertising Poster.....they're always flat - like someone sits on them to fit them into the

  14. I like them both it depends on my mood. Wendy's fries are thicker like steak fries but McDonalds goes well with their Big Macs. A Whopper with cheese and onion rings are great. We don't have Whataburger here in Ohio. If I have to pick one I'll say McDonald's.  

  15. mcdonalds

  16. I like Mcdonalds fries.

  17. I like all fries except for KFC. They always seem to be soggy quickly.


  18. I think it's how you look at it...I like the taste of the thin fry, and Wendy's fries are a tad bigger, but they have that thin-fry taste. Not mash potatoe-ey  like some restaurants you go to,if you know what I mean. I don't care for Burger King's fries either.

  19. wendys fries dipped in a frosty or frosty float yummy xD

  20. wendys

  21. McDonald's, there fries are like skinny and if you have the right amount of salt on them then you know they are better than Wendy's!!!!


  22. McDonald's

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