
Which French League team is best for betting?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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In French League there are 20 football teams, I want to know which is the most suitable football team to bet inFrench League, please specify team's name.




  1. The dominant team in French Ligue 1 is Lyon for the last four seasons. Lyon succeded in being champion for 4 years successively and it is also the strongest candidate for championship this year with its distinctive points before its rivals.Besides, another importance of this year for Lyon is that, if the team succeeds in being the champion, it will be the only team that got the championship for 5 years successively. If you go back before these successes of Lyon, you can see many different teams become champions. This is an important factor for French League bettings to attract a lot of attention all the time.

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