
Which - Gueniea pig or chinchila?

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My sister and mom both had two chinchilas. I just remember them being very soft. I remember having a g.pig as a kid and I love the squells he made when you opened the fridge.

This is for a family pet.

Which has pros/cons.

Ive heard mixed about having one or two for friends.

I heard of people letting out chincilas and letting them play.

G/pig will sit in your lap and let you pet them.

Any info on both- Thanxs




  1. Well G/pig let u pet them and chinchilla aren't for little kids they jump up walls and bounce from wall to wall and aren't for petting and sitting with....

  2. We bought our kids a Guinea Pig and his name is Lenny and he is so awesome! He is part of the family, We have had him for a year1/2 and we can take him out and he won't run or bite or anything, My kids play with him and he squeaks when he wants attention or is hungry and is very easy to care for, All he needs is hay"ASPEN" bedding water, the proper food with vitamin c,water and lots of love. I def recommend the Guinea Pig!

  3. Chinchillas would be more fun in my opinion. I had a guinea pig and it just hid, pooped, and was nervous all the time. Here is a web site i found that might help.

    Hope this helps :)

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