
Which Gum is best...?

by  |  earlier

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In your opinion what is the best gum to chew...?




  1. TRIDENT, If you chew stride u might get attackes...have u seen the commercials? lol jk

  2. dentin ice, makes your breath fresh and helps keep your teeth white all while waking you up due to the winter ice flavor.

  3. five all the way its so refreshing

  4. Trident

  5. Gummy Bears

  6. Dentyne Ice =]

  7. the best gum is stride

    i like the new flavors the best

  8. stride

  9. Five gum is pretty good.

  10. bazooka

  11. I love icebreakers ice cubes. They ROCK!

  12. 'Five'  

  13. wat kindd??

    teeth gum or yummy gum?


    uhhm i would sayy juicy fruit!

  14. cool colada!!! :D

  15. stride.


  16. good gum thats what

  17. Orbit

  18. Anything that is sugar free, these days there is a large variety of sugar free gums. Nothing worse than chewing on sugar all day.

  19. Orbit White or happydent gum..!

  20. FIVE GUM!!!!!!!!!

  21. dentyne ice!!!!!!!! yummm it actually feels like you just brushed your teeth, it's that fresh, **** all those others stride and **** is nasty

  22. STRIDE.

  23. In my opinion The best Gum is

    Stride And 5 Gum

  24. for teeth... trident xtra care

    for flavor... bubblicious but its too sugary!

  25. tridentttttt :)

    answer mine?

  26. All of These Are Really Good:

    Orbit [bubblegum]


    Stride [forever fruit]

    Five Gum

  27. hubba bubba MAX

  28. S

  29. extra

  30. i think it is very gross when people chew gum.

    PLEASE answer mine at

    thank you!=]

  31. I Like the "5" gum!

    its my fav!!

    i also like orbit && dentine (sp)

    but the dentine makes me drool?... lol!
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